تأثير وزن البذرة وميعاد الزراعة على قوة إنبات البادرات ومراحل نمو النبات المختلفة والمحصول ومكوناته فى الفول البلدى

الملخص: Three seed weight categories (41-45, 61-65 and 81-85 mg) of faba bean ( vicia faba l) were used to study the effect of seed weight on seedling growth characters at different germinating temperatures and soil moisture levels and on earliness yield and its components at different planting dates. Seedling length from medium seed weight category was higher than that from other seed categories. Seedling dry matter was significant affected by seed weight and germinating temperature. The speed of seedling emergence from sowing medium seed at 15, 20, 25, and 30 % soil moisture levels was nearly steady and higher than that of other seed classes except at 15%, where, it was lower than that of small seed class. Within each planting date, and after 20 days from sowing, seed weight differences resulted in significant differences in plant dry matter. However, no significant difference obtained after 35 days of sowing. Within each planting date, seed weight had no effect on number of days to the appearance of the first flower and that from flowering to maturity. Also, seed weight had no significant influence on number of seeds/pod, pods/plant and seeds/plant. However, within early sowing date (oct 29 and nov 13), the seed yield/plant from sowing medium seed weight was higher and statistically significant than that of other seed classes.
سنة النشر 1993
صفحات 193-201
مكان الإتاحة معهد بحوث المحاصيل الحقلية- 9شارع الجامعة- الجيزة
رقم الإتاحة
أسم المركز
اسم الجريدة Annals Agric. Sci.
ISSN 0570-1783
مؤلفين من مركز البحوث الزراعية
المواضيع الخاصة بـ (أجريس) البحوث الزراعية
خصائص فلاحية. فول. قوة.
نوع المنشور دورية