الإحتياجات التدريبية للمرشدات الزراعيات في مجال التغذية والبيئة
الملخص: This study was conducted to evaluate the rural women and their knowledge and practices or behavioral changes based on information and practices. The main objectives of this study were determine levels of nutritional knowledge of rural women, determine levels of nutritional practices of rural women., determine the relationship between the rural woman level of knowledge as a dependent variable and the following (independent variables): age of respondent- educational state of respondent - age of her husband- educational level of her husband- type of work of her husband- type of family- numbers of family members- educational level of family members- monthly income of family- existence of agricultural land holding by the respondent’s family - size of agricultural land holding - size of animals holding - size of poultry holding - number of electrical and domestic devices owned, determine the relationship between the rural women level of practices (as a dependent variable) and the (independent variables) mentioned above, Identifying of sources of nutritional information. The study was conducted in Dar El-Salam village- Tamia districts. Data were collected from sample housewives who have children in this village through personal interviews using a questionnaire designed. The study covered a sample of (228) housewives who have children the sample size was determined according to Krejicie& Morgan equation. The dates were analyzed assign: chi square test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The most important findings of the study could be summarized as follows: • The highest percentage of respondents was found in middle information level (57.9%). • In the level of respondents practice in nutrition field, the results showed the lowest percentage in high practice level (18 %). • Relationships were statistically significant between the respondent’s level of knowledge and each of the following some independent variables: educational level of family members, monthly income of family, size of agricultural land holding, size of animals holding, and number of electrical and domestic devices owned. • Relationships were statistically significant between the respondents level of practices and each of the following some independent variables: educational level of family members, monthly income of family, size of agricultural land holding, size of animals holding, size of poultry holding and number of electrical and domestic appliances • Dispensary and health clinics are the most important source of information came in the first place between other sources as 96.9% of respondent’s mentioned it. The television comes in the second place, as about 3 quarter of respondents mentioned it (72.4%). The mother in low came in third place as (71.9%) of women mentioned her. The female extension workers came in fourth place as (33.3%) of women mentioned them. In addition, the results showed that, all of respondent’s didn’t use village leader as source of knowledge.
سنة النشر |
أسم المركز |
الدولة |
مؤلفين من مركز البحوث الزراعية |
مؤلفين من خارج مركز البحوث الزراعية |
هدي محمد الجنجيهي
الاجتماع الريفي والارشاد الزراعي
عقيلة حمزة صالح
المركز الأإقليمي للأغذية والأعلاف
خيري حسن أبو السعود
الاجتماع الريفي والارشاد الزراعي
نوع المنشور |
رسالة دكتوراة