- Regional Initiative For Dry Land Management [- RIDM]
Main Place Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
Dates Starting Date: 1/1997      Ending Date: 1/2006
Objectives 1- To establish Middle East regional guideline for use of brackish water for economic crops grown under salt affected soil.
2- To dewlap a set of management practices for the use of bios lids and farm waste and production of biogas.
3- To develop a monitoring system of bio- chemical properties for low quality water stream.
4- To assess the soci-economic impact of using brackish water in irrigation and biosolids as organic fertilizers
Achievements 1- Brackish water can be used for irrigation of crops without significant reduction in yield while blended drainage water can be used in salt tolerant crop production.
2- Using alternative irrigation under drip irrigation can minimize the adverse affects of marginal water in soil, plant pollution and soil salinity build up and save about soil tram frat wate
Participated Researchers
Principal Investigator
Cooperating and Funds
Co-Operation Internal Establishment
Funded by
  • The National Investment Bank