1-Conducting applied research to serve the following topics:
-Survey of land resources
-Maximize the output of soil, water and fertilizer unit.h
-Balanced fertilization for plants.
-Management of soils and water.
-Recycling of agricultural residues.
-Bio-fertilizers and Biological agents.
-Improvement of soil productivity.
-Monitoring of soil and water pollutants.
2-Conducting extension services and training programs of the above topics.
3-Quality control of local and imported fertilizers and the inspection of the market.
4-Providing the services to farmers, organizations and the private sectors throughout the special unit of (soil, water and environment unit) in the field of soils, water, production of biofertilizers (Aukadin, Nemaless, Yeast Solutions and Mixed Solutions) ammonia gas fertilization, agricultural residues recycling and production of land cover, land use and suitability maps.
5-On farm irrigation development in the old land sharing with agricultural extension sector and ministry of irrigation and water resources.