Future Activities
• Continuous follow-up of administrative, marketing and production constraints facing farmers when they implement the technical recommendation packages of various crops.
• Activating extension activities in the field of water management and controlling environmental pollution.
• Identifying the reasons of farmers' rejection to some new farm practices.
• Determining the modified technical recommendations from progressive farmers point of view to enrich research plans.
• Determining the mechanisms of activating the role of NGOs to perform agricultural extension activities.
• Evaluation the educational effects of some agricultural national campaigns.
• Activating the agricultural extension activities in the new land regions.
• Investigating the possibilities of privatizing extension work.
• Determining the techniques of activating the role of rural and Bedouin women in the area of extension food consumption, carrying out small projects to develop family income, and producing safe and clean food.
• Participating in extension information management of RADCON in various Egyptian governorates.
• Training RADCON users at extension centers, agricultural directorates, and regional research stations on the extension usage of network systems.
• Training research staff members and their assistants to upgrade their competencies regarding training skills.
• Development of SMSs in collaboration with the Central Administration of Agricultural Extension Services (CAAES) regarding various areas of agricultural production.
• Evaluation of agricultural expert systems utilization and their validity in introducing the scientific solutions to overcome farmers' problems