About Us

History of SCRI.

The Sugar Crops Research Institute began in 1913 as the sugar cane section in the Department of Agriculture. In 1971, it became the sugar crops division within the field crops research Institute, and then in 1983, the sugar crops research institute joined with the other research institutes in the agricultural Research center (ARC).

Research work with sugar cane began at Mallawy and Mattana farms in Upper Egypt, with yield testing of some imported varieties of sugar cane. Later, research was gradually expanded to sugar cane, sugar beet and sweet sorghum breeding - especially after successfully inducing the flowering of sugar crops under local conditions- and then to improving cultural practices, plant protection and physiological and biochemical studies. The institute conducts research in various aspects of sugar crops and is actively involved in transferring knowledge to farmers and investors, for the benefit of all Egyptians. SCRI, in cooperation with national and international organizations, is striving to close the gap between sugar productions and consumption in Egypt.


Develop new and improved varieties of sugar cane, sugar beet and sweet sorghum that ripen early, resist disease, tolerate frost and drought, produce high yields and possess high sugar contents.

Conduct physiological studies of various external and internal factors, including: flowering of sugar cane and improved seed seting, flowering of sugar beet to enable breeders to develop national varieties and thus produce seeds locally, and testing sugar crops varieties for drought resistance, frost tolerance and salinity.

Define suitable agronomic practices which increase sugar production per unit area, water, and time.

Introduce, adopt and transfer new technologies to farmers in traditional crop valleys and in the newly reclaimed areas by means of applied research.

Adopt better means for increasing sugar crops intensification.

Conduct epidemiological studies of diseases, particularly smut and mosaic of sugar cane, and implement means for their control.

Control stalk borers by developing an integrated approach, combining resistant varieties with agricultural, chemical, biological and biochemical means.

Implement artificial/natural screening and testing of varieties for resistance and/or tolerance to different diseases and physiological stress conditions.

Minipulate genetic material through biotechnology and genetic engineering to produce better yielding varieties.

Supervise projects of the Council for Sugar Crops, whose aim is to increase the productivity of sugar cane and sugar beet in Egypt.

Provide farmers with the appropriate technologies and recommendations to increase their crop production.

Train the technical staff of Egyptian institutions and those from other developing countries in sugar crops production and technology.

Overall, the Sugar Crops Research Institute helped accomplish the following:

* Increased productivity of sugarcane yield per feddan from 34.13 tons/fed in 1981 to 50.95 tons/fed in 2007, which contributed to the increase in sugar yield from 3.6 to 4.4 tons/fed, respectively.

* Increased productivity of sugar beet yield per feddan from 12.61 tons in 1982 to 21.17 tons in 2007, which contributed to the increase in sugar yield from 1.0 to 2.76 ton/fed, respectively.

* Releasing new sugarcane varieties as G.84-47, Phil.8013 in addition to eight promising sugarcane varieties namely G.98-24, G.98-28, G.98-87, G.99-165, G.98-88, G.99-103, G.99-160 and Mex 2001.

* Improved clones derived from the commercial variety G.T.54-9 using Tissue Culture Technique to avoid any possible deterioration in it.

* Introduction of Transplanting Technique in sugarcane plantations as a means of improving plant population of cane ratoons and/or planting the delayed plant cane after winter crops as wheat using transplants, which attain an increase in cane yield ranged 6 to 10 tons/fed.

* Participation in planning and implementation of the integrated control of sugar crops pests as borers, soft scull insect and smut disease in sugarcane and nematodes, cotton warm and Cercospora baticola in sugar beet.

* Introduction of the Improved Surface Irrigation System based on the precise land leveling using LASER Technique in both sugar cane and beet fields, which participated in saving irrigation water and raising productivity by about 25 %.