Future Activities
Future Direction
1- Apply the precession agriculture to the Egyptian Ag. Sector
2-Produce the biofuel from the Agricultural wastes.
3 - The major focus of AENRI during the next years will be to solve field problems faced by farmers and to assist local manufacturers in initiating and improving new machinery in Egypt.
4 - Special attention will be devoted to developing and adapting farm machines, such as cereal grain seeders, sugar beet cultivation equipment, and post harvest hndling epuipment for fruits and vegetables.
5 - Attention will also be given to utilization of crop residues and agricultural waste products.
6 - Use of alternate sources of energy for drying and processing operations will also be investigated.
7- Development the on farm irrigation system.
8 - In the area of irrigation, primary attention will be devoted to developing irrigation practices for improving water use edfficiency in surface and subsurface systems.
9 - Chemigation and fertigation techniques for various irrigation systems will be developed.
10 - The institute will train a number of machine users in the proper use and maintenance of agricultural machines.
11 - Buyers of farm machines will be informed about the performance and suitability of machines under Egyptian conditions through regular issuance of test and performance reports on equipment commercially available in the country.
12- Applying of new technologies in post-harvest and quality control of agricultural crops and minimizing losses.