About Us

Since 1903, The VSVRI has been established on an area of about23square hectares in the Red Mountain area of the Abbassia district, east Cairo.
The Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research nstitute (VSVRI),formerly called the Veterinary Serum Laboratory, is one of the oldest and prestigious institutes in the Middle East and Africa.
Since 1914, The institute has been merged to the veterinary Medicine Department within the Ministry of Agriculture.
At that time, the scope of its responsibility was limited toproduction of vaccine and antiserum, previously imported,for protection of cattle against Rinderpest(cattle plague).
The laboratory’s mission has continued to grow. The next period witnessed considerable laboratory expansions and new building constructions in response to the demands of different services.
In 1983, The Veterinary Serum Laboratory has de-merged and became an independent institute, affiliated to the Agriculture Research Center (ARC). Ever since it was renamed the "Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research Institute" (VSVRI).