Current Activities

1. Holding training courses in different aspects and activities of the Institute to upgrade the efficacy, through the arrangement of workshops inside the country as well as abroad for exchange knowledge and experience in areas of production and control of Veterinary Biologics.
2. Holding extension workshops for field Vets., to increase their abilities in dealing with different vaccination programs and correct use of different vaccines.
3. Upgrading the level of researchers in different skills especially, English language, Computer systems, and the Internet, to facilitate communication with International nets and cope with the rapid scientific progress in information technology.
4. Organizing scientific meetings for animal raisers (peasants) in the different governorates, to spread the veterinary awareness, in addition to informing them about the VSVRI products in order to minimize importation of veterinary Biologics.
5. Planning and conducting local and international collaborative research projects in cooperation with Egyptian and International veterinary. authorities in areas of compating epizootics of livestock and poultry .