Future Activities

• Coordination between the research units spread in the different governorates and between the directorates of agriculture, the provincial office and the university in this governorate, especially the closest College of Agriculture to the unit, in order to study the agricultural, environmental and climatic problems in each governorate to find the most appropriate solutions and achieve the highest rates of agricultural productivity in this governorate.
• Activating the role of research units at the level of the Republic to be units of an advisory nature in the field of the agricultural sector, including what it contains of specialists with experience in all areas of agricultural and animal production, in order to avoid the investor in losing a result of his investment in the field of agriculture, in addition to planning Efficient to take advantage of modern technology.
• Preparing a periodical every three months that includes a statistical and economic analysis of the most important changes prevailing in each governorate and putting them in an economic form that benefits the decision-maker.
• Preparing economic studies for the available resources in each governorate to guide investors in setting up projects on sound bases
• Holding training courses for the employees of the units, whether they are in the general staff or the research staff, each in his specialization, in order to develop their skills and abilities and increase knowledge and experience.
• Holding training courses for farmers in the governorates to increase knowledge capacity of applications related to the agricultural economy.