
• Determining farmers' extension needs for production and marketing of field crops, animal and aquiculture products.
• Evaluation of the effectiveness of national extension campaigns for various areas of agricultural production.
• Developing of farmers' knowledge, skills and attitudes levels regarding various recommended packages of field crops, animal, and acquiculture production.
• Developing of farmers' knowledge, skills, and attitudes levels regarding various recommended packages of using natural resources.
• Determining the modified technical recommendations from farmers point of view to develop the applied research plans.
• Developing action work plans to guide extension personnel at local levels to accelerate the dissemination of innovations among farmers in both old or new regions.
• Identifying the rejection reasons of some agricultural innovations in both old and new regions.
• Identifying the educational requirements of farmers regarding marketing and consumption of various agricultural products.
• Identifying the positives and negatives of agricultural private sector role for technology transfer and utilization.
• Evaluation the educational effects of various agricultural and environmental projects and programs.