• Determining duties and tasks of extension personnel at various organization levels.
• Determining training needs as a base for planning training courses.
• Evaluation of training courses implemented for extension personnel.
• Identifying the techniques of strengthening the organizational linkages and institutional relationships between extension, research, education, cooperation, financial, marketing organizations, in addition to water orientation administration in the ministry of irrigation and water resources.
• Studying the future of extension service in the national agricultural projects such as Toshka, Shark Al-Owainat, east and west of suez canal.
• Identifying main features of agricultural extension service in Halaieb and Shalateen regions.
• Evaluation the effectiveness of agricultural extension organization in the new land areas.
• Identifying the techniques of activating the role of NGOs which has agricultural activities in performing extension services in Egypt.
• Studying the possibilities of introducing private extension service in Egypt.