
1- Supervision of Master and PhD degree in partnership with various universities
the names of theses in agricultural science has been approved during 2008 as follow

- Comparative Studies on Some Special Diet
Biochemical Studies on Kenaf Oil .
- Chemical, physical, microbiological and organoleptic properties for tofu products .
- Biochemical studies on Mughat .
- Biochemical studies on some pollen grain .
- Antioxidants and their relationship with nutrition .
- Biochemical studies on the relation between thyroxin hormone and selenium.
- Utilization of some spices and their essential oils as flavoring and preservative agents in biscuit.
- Effect of natural antioxidant grapes and carrots on cholesterol level

2- The following researches has been published
- Effect of broccoli and cauliflower on immune functions in aged rats
- Effect of some date palm products on health aspect of aged rats
Effect of date palm pollen grain and date pits on reducing blood glucose of diabetic rats.
Antioxidant consumption may prevent some hepatic carcenomia
Effect of soaking and boiling on chemical and functional properties of soybean cultivars.
Use of date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) palm seed carbon as new filter aid for improving the quality of fried Sunflower oil.
Technological and biological evaluation of some new types of garlic.(2008) .
Effect of pea hull fiber on lipid profile and gluclose in hypercholesteolemic rats .
Various combinations of antioxidant sources and cholesterolemia in rats .
Effect of high fiber bread diets on some diabetes rat biological parameters Biological evaluation for date in weaning rats
Chemical , physical, microbiological and economically estimations of glutein , legumes , fenugreek and turmeric based ban bread .
Protective role of some herbal on oxidative stress in brain and liver streptozotocine – induced diabetic rats .
Hypoglycemic effects of taro mucilage on streptozotocine– induced diabetic rats
A comparative biological study , related to the therapeutically effects of pan bread provided with some natural foodstuffs utilized on the experimental rats
The role of zizyphus spina Christi extract and bifidobacterium as a biotherapeutic agent in prevention of osteoporotic postmenopausal women .
Effect of dietary intake of propolise on peptic ulcer healing of
animal rats"
Effect of low and high esterified pectin on arsenic toxification in rats
Utilization of fermented wheat bran to improve balady bread quality .
RP-HPLC Evaluation for some Insulin Interactions
Effects of ?-Lipoic Acid and Brewer،s Yeast on Reducing Blood Sugar in Aged Diabetic Rats
Effect of some Aqueous Plant Extracts on reduction of Blood Lipids and Atherosclerosis.
Effect of Aqueous Fig Leaves Extracts as Hypoglycemic Agent .
Comparative study between Bee Pollens , Lecithin and Phenylalanine on weight reduction of Obese Rats .
Effect of some manufacturing factors on acrylamide formation in different soft bread (feno) formulas
A method for reducing cholesterol level in some animal products