About Us

Weed Research in Egypt beginning in 1950 of the one activites from physiological plant, then department in physiological plant in 1964, then Weed Research Central Laboratory (WRCL ) was founded according to the ministerial decree No. 224 in 2002 to increase the role of weed science disciplines in improving agricultural production. The activities of laboratory is in carrying out basic and applicable research which relevant with weed control research adaptive and applied by cultural, chemical, biological and mechanical methods as well as evaluation and or testing herbicides and preparing technical recommendations for field, horticulture and vegetable crops and weeds along road sides and ditch banks of sub canals and drains.
The administrative structure of the WRCL consist of three departments:
1. Weed control in field crops department.
2. Weed control in horticulture, vegetables crops and roadsides and ditch banks and drains department.
3. Weed survey, ecology and physiology department.
There is regional laboratories in experimental stations at Sakha, Gemmeza, ElKassasin, Ismailia, ElKanater, ElSerw, ElNubariah, Sids, Mallawi and Shandaweel