Current Activities

1- Conducting ecological studies with the purpose of forecasting and assessment of pest population on different crops before reaching the point of economic damage.
2- Identification of the heat requirement needed for development of different pest species in order to set the economic threshold of each pest.
3- Evaluation of the efficiency of pheromones and other biological agents (fungi, bacteria and nematodes) involved in IPM programs.
4- Assessment of pre and post-harvest losses as a result of pest attacks.
5- Studying susceptibility of different crop varieties to pest infestation.
6- Conducting ecological and control studies for citrus leaf miners.
7- Studying new methods to replace the use of methyl bromide gas against storage pests.
8- Studying the use of inter-cropping systems as a means of reducing cotton pest infestation.
9- Improvement of pest identification techniques to raise the efficiency of agricultural quarantines system.
10- Adopting the artificial fertilization technique using queen bee strains to improve the indigenous species.
11- Evaluation of different silkworm hybrids in order to select the most suitable one for Egyptian environment.
12- Vegetative mass production of mulberry in green houses.
13- Improvement of spray equipment and techniques.