
1- Sesame A- Breeding program:: The nursery was 400 genotypes at Shandaweel and 100 genotypes at Shandaweel and Giza Research stations, including (new accessions, landraces and hybrid derivatives (F4–F5) as well as commercial cultivars and pure lines representing different sesame types. -Crossing and segregating generations: A total of 18 at Giza and 21 crosses at shandweel new crosses were made as well as 3 F1 cross combinations were selfed to obtain F2 seed at Giza and 4 crosses in F2 were selfed to obtain F3 seed. A nursery of 142 families in (F3) derived from 28 crosses were compared with the commercial variety (Shandaweel 3) at research stations. -Disease Nursery: Twenty-four promising pure lines were tested for disease resistance in artificially infected fields at Shandaweel Research. A number of these promising lines showed higher resistance to wilt disease such as M2 A9, N.A497 and line 102-21.-Yield Trials: Preliminary yield trials: Branching varieties trial : A field trial was carried out at Mallawy, Shandaweel and El-Matana Research stations. Twelve promising lines along with the commercial cultivar Shandaweel 3 were tested in each trial. Results indicated that seven out of twelve strains outyielded the check variety. However, the strain line 53-3-7 is the top yielders. -Non – Branching varieties trials: Fourteen promising lines compared with the commercial cultivar Shandaweel 3were tested at Mallawy, Shandaweel and El-Matana Research stations. Data indicated that lines line 102-21-2, M2 A7 and line 111-7 outyielded the commercial variety by 23.7%, 17.9 % and 14.5 %, respectively . -Advanced yield trials:: -Branching varieties trials: Field trials were carried out at Mallawy, Shandaweel, Matana, Nubaria and Ismailia Research stations. Each trial included five lines compared with the commercial variety Shandaweel 3. Data showed that the lines line 102-21and RH1 F3 out yielded the commercial variety by 18.7% and 18.4%, respectively.-Non - Branching varieties trials: Eight promising lines were compared with commercial cultivar Shandaweel 3 at Mallawy, Shandaweel, Matana, Nubaria and Ismailia Research Stations. Data revealed that all tested lines outyielded the commercial cultivar. However, two lines M3 A1 and M3 A9 were higher than commercial cultivar by 7.0 % and 7.5%, respectively. B- Technology Transfer: On farm trials: Five promising lines were sown at five locations. Data revealed that line RH6 F6 recorded the highest seed yield over locations followed by line Sohag 1. The breeder and foundation seed of lines under registration and commercial cultivars are produced at Shandaweel. 2 – Peanut: : 2-A- Breeding program:
I- Breeding nursery: included 466 genotypes from 3 peanut types (erect, semi spreading and spreading lines) were sown at Ismailia, Nobria and Shandaweel Research stations. II- Crossing and segregating generations: At Ismalia agricultural station fifteen F1 crosses were selfed to obtain F2 seeds. III- Yield Trials 1-Preliminary yield trial: Twenty – one line were compared with commercial cultivar Giza6 at Ismalia, Nobria amd Shandweel Research stations. Data indicated that eight lines outyield the commercial cultivar at Ismalia and Nobria. Meanwhile, Six lines were higher then Giza 6 in seed yield/fed. At shandweel. 2- Advanced yield trial: This experiment carried out in Ismalia, Nobria and Shanweel Agricultural Research Station. Data raveled that four lines at Ismalia, six lines at Nobria and three lines at shandweel recorded the high seed yield /fed. 2-B-Agronomy: The effect of sowing data and water stress on seed yield and its component. The experiment was laid out at Ismalia and Shandweel. Data revealed that the treatment sowing on 15/6 with 80% irrigation to Sohag 104 gave the highest seed yield /fed. at Ismalia. On the other hard the treatment sowing on 14/7 with 60% irrigation to Sohag 110 gave the highest seed yield /fed. at Shandweel. The effect of differen kind of Fosphors on peanut yield and yield component. This experiment was carried out at Nobria Agricultural Research Stations. Data indicated that the treatment add the Rai Amonion phosph at to line R92 gave the highest seed yield /fed. 3- Sunflower program : A- Breeding Nursery: Breeding nursery was sown 65 line at Gemmiza and 125 at Sakha Research Stations to maintain their purity and quality. Twenty five Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS) lines, twenty five their maintentes (B) lines and twenty RF line were growen at Sakha, Giza and Shanweel . II- Crossing and segregating generations: The crosses were made between the cytoplasmic male sterility and some Rf line to produce high yielding hybrids at Giza Research Station. The F2 generations for six hybrids were sown at Etay – EL Barod Research Station. III- Yield Trials: 1-Preliminary yield trial: Fifteen lines with commercial cultivar sakha 93 were testes at Sakha, Nobria and Gimmiza. Data indicated that nine out of fifteen lines outyielded the check variety. The line 3 (2720 ton/ fed), line 8 (1551 ton / fed.) and line 2 (1.348 ton/fed.) are the top yield at gimmaza, Nobria and Sakha, respectively. B- Agronomy: Effect of dates irrigation on sunflower yield and yield component in different growth stages.
This experiment were carried out at Giza and Gimmiza Research Station. 4- Canola: A- Breeding program:The nursery was 277 line were planted at (Sakha, Gimmiza and Kafer-hamam) Agricultural Research Stations. Crossing and segregating generations: Then crosses were made at Ismalia Research Stations in order to produce resistance lines to salinity and drought . Yield Trials: 1-Preliminary yield trial: The yield trials were grown at EL-Gemiza, Sakha, and Shandweel Research Station including 14 lines + 2 check variety.
The best lines (N.A3) gave 1.27 Ton / fedan and oil (47.7 %). Advance trial: Six lines and two commercial varieties were tested at Gimmiza, Sakha and Shandweel. Results indicated that the line N.A4 were the highest seed yield/fed. (1.3 ton/fed.). Meanwhile the line N.A15 recoded the high oil percentage (46.5). Agronomy: Effect of sowing data and locations on canola yield and oil prcentang.