1- FABA BEAN: A total of 616 families (F3, F4 and F5) derived from 73 different promising crosses along with 22 F2 populations, were screened and evaluated under natural disease infection at Sakha and Nubaria Research Stations. All promising plants and families were selected and will be confirmed in advanced generations. A total of 202 families (F3, F4 and F6) derived from 31 crosses and 15 F2 populations were screened and evaluated for Orobanche resistance at Giza Research Station under naturally infested soil. 8 F2, 3 F4 and 45 F5 individual plants were found tolerant. A nursery of 299 families (F3, F4 and F5) derived from 48 crosses in addition to 9 F2 populations, were screened and evaluated at Sids Research Station for earliness and yield potential. The most promising F2 (116 plants), F3 (36 plants), F4 (99 plants) and F5 (75 plants) were selected. Yield trials: Many promising lines exceeded the check cultivar Giza 843 in different yield trials at North, Middle and Upper Egypt. A total of eight researcher managed trials were conducted at farmers' fields and research stations. Results showed that, in North Egypt, the promising faba bean genotype 1426/711/2000 significantly out yielded the check cultivar Giza 716, on the average, by 0.55 t/ha (16.5 %). In South Delta and Middle Egypt there were no significant different. As well as, in Upper Egypt the promising faba bean genotypes 1436/435/2000, 1814/429/2006 and 1545/487/2001 significantly exceeded the check cultivar Giza 843, on the average, 16.4 and 8%), respectively. ICARDA Material: Faba Bean International Chocolate Spot Nursery at Sakha Research Station. A number of 14 breeding lines were highly significant less infected with Chocolate Spot disease than the local check Sakha 1. Faba Bean International Low Tannin Content. Results showed that development of new breeding lines for high yielding ability compared with the recurrent parent is importantly and feasible at Sids and Giza Research Stations. Faba Bean International Orobanche Nursery. Results were not significant however, 19 breeding lines recorded low number of Orobanche/square meter compared with the chick cultivar Giza 843 at Sids Research Station. Faba Bean International Segregating Population Nursery. Tow populations were promising at Sids Research Station. Seed Multiplication: Foundation seeds of all recommended cultivars are annually produced to supply the Central Administration of Seed Production (CASP) by new purified seeds for certified seed production. Central Administration of Seed Certification (CASC) inspects all seed fields in laboratory as well as in the fields. A total of 95 and 1480 tons of foundation and certified seeds, respectively were obtained. This amount of certified seed is enough to cover about 15% (13125 ha) in the coming season (2010/2011). Agronomy: A field experiment was conducted at Mallawy Research Station To determine the optimum planting date and plant density of the two cultivars Giza 843 and Giza 2 in Middle Egypt. Results indicated that planting date significantly affect the number of days to maturity. Also, data showed that seed yield significantly affected by planting dates. On the other hand, the cultivar (Giza 843) gave the higher seed yield compared with Giza 2. Technology Transfer: In old lands: A total of 45 demonstration plots (33 plots as a solid crop and 12 plots as an intercropped crop) were conducted on farmers fields in the old lands in North, Middle and Upper Egypt, involved 45 farmers across 40 districts in 11 governorates during 2009/2010 season, to demonstrate to farmers and extension agents the advantages of the improved faba bean production packages. Application of the improved production package increased faba bean seed yield, on the average, with 0.58 t/ha (18.1%), 0.82 t/ha (26.0%) and 0.42 t/ha (12.8%) in North, Middle and Upper Egypt, respectively. Demonstration of intercropped faba bean fields: Results showed that, the improved intercropping faba bean with sugar beet package increased faba bean seed yield, on the average, by 0.23 t/ha (25.3%) compared with farmers practices. On the other hand, the intercropping faba bean with sugar cane package raised faba bean seed yield value, on the average, with 0.67 t/ha (31.5%) than that of farmers package.In new lands: A total of 28 demonstration fields were conducted in the newly reclaimed lands and involved 28 farmers across 18 sites in 2 governorates during 2009/2010 season, to demonstrate to farmers the benefits of using the improved production package of faba bean. Data indicated that, faba bean productivity differed from site to another. This may be due to soil fertility and farmers' experience as well as knowledge of management practices of the farmers. The improved production package application raised faba bean seed yield value by 0.65 t/ha (21.3%) in North Egypt and 0.65 t/ha (20.4%) in Upper Egypt with an average of 0.65 t/ha (20.8%) than that of farmers packages. Demonstration of intercropped faba bean fields: Application of the improved intercropped faba bean with sugar beet or trees packages raised faba bean seed yield value by 0.41 t/ha (30.0%) or 0.97 t/ha (59.5%), respectively compared with farmers packages. Training:: Four meetings were held during 27 to 30 October, 2009 in the old and new lands in-cooperation with Food Legume Research Program, Field Crops Research Institute and Central Administration for Extension. These training meetings included 105 Subject Matter Specialists (SME) and Extension Agents (EA) across 50 districts in 13 governorates. Field and harvest days: A total of 62 field days were done in the demonstration fields through the growing season from January to March 2010 as well as 13 harvest days were held during March and April 2010 which involved 268 SME and EA as well as 1222 faba bean growers to follow up faba bean crop and its problems with the extension agents and farmers as well as estimated the faba bean crop. 2- LENTIL: Breeding: A total of 24 entries were evaluated for their yield potential. The results showed that six entries significantly exceeded the check variety Giza 9 with range of 54-71%. Also ten genotypes of lentil evaluated under rainfed condition at El-Areach Res. Station in two sites. Data indicated that four genotypes (FLIP 88-34 L- PL81-17L- Sinai 1 and ILL 7723) gave the highest seed yield surpassed the check cultivar Giza 9 by (47.3, 30.0, 28.2 and 24.5) respectively. Also evaluated the promising plants from M5 generation were selected for bushy, early and high yield. Also four lentil international trials were introduced from ICARDA and evaluated at Gemmiza and Sids Research stations in Egypt. A total of 116 lentil entries compared with the local check "Giza 9" and the early maturing variety "Sinai 1". 17 entries showed superiority in seed yield and being promising and will be used for further evaluation in primary yield trials. Seed multiplication: Seeds of the recommended cultivars: Giza 51- Giza 370- Giza 4- Giza 9 and Sinai 1 were multiplied in Gemmiza. About 300 kg of breeder seeds of each cultivar were obtained and will be planted next season for producing foundation seeds. Agronomy program: Evaluated five lentil genotypes under two irrigation methods at Mattana Res. Station. The highest seed yield were produced under flood irrigation methods when use the genotype PL81-17L. Technology Transfer: Two verification yield trials were carried out on farmers’ fields to evaluate the elite lentil entries. Results revealed that, FLIP 96- 19L entry gave the heigh seed yield than that other entries under evaluated in old land. Wherease, in new land the promising entry XG 98-6-1 gave the highest seed yield and exceeded Giza 9 variety by 29.5%. Also, 3 demonstration field were carried out in old and new lands. The improved package application raised the lentil seed yield, on the average, by 19.0% compared with farmers’ practices. Four theoretical meeting were held. These meetin