Completed Projects[Total:2]
  • production of tomato powder using a simple technique

  • - production of improved tomato powder on the level of rural growers 2- cover the demand of local consumption without importation from aborad 3- saving the foreign hard currencies paid to import tomato paste 4- lowering the loss percentage of tomato yield by encouraging local processing on the spot by the growers themselves 5- enabling the youth to find new occasions for profitable work 6- lowering the costs of processing, packaging, storage and transportation as a result of loiwering the wieight by drying using solar energy 7- perhaps we can find a way for exportation of tomato products 8- training the small producers on the tomato powder production methods 9- using the produced tomato powder in some other prepared food products
  • Production of natural colorants from natural sources

  • 1- utilization of natural plant sources in producing natural pigments or natural colorants. 2- Solving the problem accumulation of wastes remaining after processing 3- Saving hard currency paid in importing artificial or synthetic clorants from abroad 4- Stopping the utilization of artificial colorants harmful to human health 5- Connect with production centers to solve their problems concerning color and co-operate with them to use natural colorants in coloring food products and as natural antioxidants 6- Contact with environment affairs as artificial colorants are considered to be food pollutes hence to co-operate with them to encourage utilization of natural colorants instead of artificial ares harmful to human health