New Approaches to Assessment and Utilization of the Natural Beneficial Association between Rhizobia and Cereals Roots. [Beneficial Rhizobia-Cereal Association]
Main Place Soil, Water and Environment Research Institute (SWERI)
Dates Starting Date: 6/2002   Expected End Date: 6/2006  
Objectives Drs. Y.G. Yanni and F.B. Dazzo proposed to continue collaborative research in agricultural biotechnology biofertilizer development at Egypt and USA. Theirgoal was to increase cereal crop productvity with less dependence on N-fertilizer usage byy optimizing their beneficial association with growth-promoting rhizobia. Their previously work showed that (1) diverse populations of R. leguminozarum bv. trifolii naturally conlonize the root interior of rice in Nile Delta fields where rice/clover rotation is establish several centuries ago; (2) certainn rhizobia promote rice growth resulting in improved root architecture and enhanced plant nutrient uptake, and increase grain yield and agronomic N-fertilizer use efficiency in field inoculation trials, and (3) rhizobia also colonize the root interior of wheat grown in Egypt
Participated Researchers
Principal Investigator
Cooperating and Funds
Co-Operation Extenal Establishment
  • اكاديمية البحث العلمى  
Co-Operation Internal Establishment
Funded by
  • USA