Profitability of using halotolerant n2-fixers and its role in improving some soil properties and productivity under toor sinai and south sinai condition

Abstract: Two winter wheat field experiments were designed in El-Gabeal at Toor Sinai, south Sinai during (2002-2003) and (2003-2004) seasons, to study the possible amelioration for some physical, biological and nutritional status of saline calcareous soils and its productivity using biotechnologies. Wheat (Sakha 8) was sown as a test crop for soil productivity. The treatments comprised (1) halotolerant N2-fixers biofertilizers as inoculation with (Azospirillum sp.+ Klepsiella sp.), N2-fixing cyanobacteria (Nostoc sp.+ Anabaena sp.) and uninoculated. (2) applied N-levels, as 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg N/fed. (3) methods of biofertilization as soaking grains, grain inoculation and (soaking+ grain inoculation).
Results showed improvements for several soil physical parameters. Bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity (SHC) and total porosity were ameliorated as a result of biofertilization referring to uninoculated and control (20 kg N/fed.) treatments. N2-fixers cyanobacteria (Nostoc sp.+ Anabaena sp.) by (soaking + grain inoculation) method was the best supporters in certain suitable soil structure, particularly in the presence of 60 kg N/fed treatment.
A positive effect of either grain or (soaking + grain inoculation) method was noticed by with both (Azospirillum sp. + Klepsiella sp.) and cyanobacteria (Nostoc sp. + Anabaena sp.) inoculation on their densities and dehydrogenase activity in wheat rhizosphere plants, particularly at 75th day of sowing in the presence of 100 kg N/fed Klepsiella sp. gave high densities compared with Azospirillum sp., While nitrogenase activity and available N in soil considerably increased in comparison to uninoculated and control (20 kg N/fed) treatments, particularly at 75th day of sowing in the presence of 60 kg N/fed and inoculation with (Azospirillum sp.+ Klepsiella sp.) treatments.
Wheat grains and straw yields as well as N-fertilizer use efficiency were enhanced in response to different methods of biofertilization and N-levels, especially with soaking + grain inoculation method in the presence of 60 kg N/fed achieving relatively high increases compared to uninoculated treatments amended with 80 or 100 kg N/fed. Similar trends were also observed for the content of nitrogen, total amino acids and crud protein in grains and straw in response to inoculation with (Azospirillum sp.+ Klepsiella sp.) which in turn was more effective.
This means that (soaking+ grain inoculation) method with halotolerant N2¬-fixing i.e. Azospirillum sp.+ Klepsiella sp.) and cyanobacteria (Nostoc sp. and Anabaena sp.) may save (20-40) kg N/fed
Publication year 2005
Pages 8295-8275
Availability location Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University(معهد بحوث الاراضى والمياه والبيئة)
Availability number
Organization Name
City Mansoura
serial title Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Sciences
ISSN 1110-0346
Department Improvement and Conservation of Cultivated Soils Research
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil biology
Azospirillum. Calcareous soils. Cyanobacteria. Klebsiella. Salt tolerance. Sandy soils. Wheats.
Publication Type Journal