Yield performance of of two Sugar cane vatieties as affected by different Phosphorus and zinc fertilizers levels

Abstract: Balanced and adequate fertility for any crop reduce plant stress , improve physiological resistance and decreases disease Rizk .So,two field trials were conducted at Malawi Agric. Res., Station, Minia Governorate, Egypt, during 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 seasons to study the effect of different levels of zinc and phosphorus fertilizers on yield and quality characters of some sugar cane varieties (plant cane).Two varieties of sugar cane varieties , i.e. G.T.54-9 and G.T. 84-47 , three levels of phosphorus fertilizer,i.e. 0.0 , 30.0 , 60.0 kg P2O5 /fed and three levels of zinc fertilizer,i.e. 0.0 , 10 and 20 kg Zn SO4/fed were studied a split-split plot design .
The data recorded pointed out that levels of phosphorus and zinc fertilizers exhibited a significant effects on vegatative characters of sugar cane ,i.e. stalk length and diameter,quality properties(TSS%, pol % and rendement or sugar recovery %),productivity traits (Millable cane and recoverable sugar yields) and nutrients contents ofTVD leaf (N and P %TVD leaf ) . However,varieties of sugar cane, had a significant effects on vegatative characters (stalk length and diameter), quality characteristics( TSS% and pol % ) % and N % ofTVD leaf only.
Therefore, it could be concluded that Zn-fertilizer is preferable for sugar cane because it gave the highest values of millable cane and recoverable sugar yields as well as rendement or sugar recovery %
Publication year 2010
Pages 42
Organization Name
Country Egypt
serial title Egypt . J.of Appl.Sci. , 25 (2A)2010
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Soil science and management
Poland. Variety trials.
Publication Type Journal