Effect of soil amendments and nitrogen fertilizer sources on sugar beet productivity grown under salt affected soil conditions

Abstract: A field experiment was carried out during the successful winter season of 2012/2013 on sugar beet (Bete vulgaris L) c.v Gloria, on newly reclaimed salt affected soil at the experimental farm of El-Hosinia Station, Agriculture Research Center, Shrakia Governorate, Egypt. The main objectives of the study were to examine the use of soil amendments, (ferrous sulfate 7Mg/fed, gypsum 5Mg/fed and aluminum sulfate 6.5Mg/fed) and different nitrogen sources, (Ammonium Nitrate 33.5%N, Ammonium Sulfate 20.5% N and Ureaformaldhyde 38%N) on sugar beet productivity and its quality, root content of NPK, soil fertility and some chemical soil properties after harvest. The experimental layout was spilt plot design with three replicates, soil amendments were the main plots while nitrogen sources were the sup plots. The obtained results indicate that the combined application of either the soil amendments or different nitrogen sources markedly increased most of sugar beet yield and its quality parameters i.e. root yield, sugar yield, TSS %, sucrose % and purity % significantly. Interaction between soil amendment ferrous sulfate and N source ureaformaldhyde recorded the highest values of root yield (8.883t/fed), sugar yield (1.430t/fed), TSS% (23.10%) and sucrose % (16.73%), respectively. Also, the highest value of N, P and K concentration in roots were obtained by application of ureaformaldhyde as nitrogen fertilizer combined with ferrous sulfate or aluminum sulfate or gypsum. Also, results showed that application of soil amendments in combination with nitrogen sources improved soil fertility, which reflected on the increases of available N, P and K values. Moreover, results revealed also that application of soil amendments combined with different nitrogen sources significantly reduced the values of soil EC, ESP and pH
Publication year 2014
Pages 157 - 168
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Mansoura
serial title J. Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 5 (2): 157 - 168, 2014
Author(s) from ARC
Nitrogen. Soil amendments. Sugarbeet.
Publication Type Journal