Requirements for Raising poultry production From The Viewpoint of Subject Matter Specialists in Qaliubiya Governorate

Abstract: This study aimed to identify the Requirements for Raising poultry production From The Viewpoint of Subject Matter Specialists (SMS) regarding the role of Agricultural Extension system, criteria of selecting new specialists, or its extension programs in order to be taken into consideration when planning and implementation extension programs. It aimed also to identify the problems facing breeders from the view point of respondents and suggested solutions. Data were collected by personal interviews using questionnaire during the month of October 2012 ،from 106 respondents representing total population of SMSs in Qaliubiya Governorate. Results were presented using frequencies and percentages, and weighted average.
The study results showed that main Requirements for Raising poultry production From The Viewpoint of Subject Matter Specialists (SMS)on how to promote extension activities regarding the role of Agricultural Extension system in descending according to the weighted average were: provide veterinary care for poultry farms, availability of new breeds of broiler, availability of poultry fodder at reasonable prices. They also urged extension system in collaboration with institutions and entities responsible for poultry production to work together to solve poultry production problems facing breeders. Regarding selecting new specialists, SMS Viewpoint were: to have a suitable high degree in animal production, and have suitable and sufficient courses in the field of agricultural extension. SMS Viewpoint about developing extension programs were: consumers needs and demands should be identified before implementing extension programs, and participation of producers and other entities involved in poultry production such as veterinary service and agricultural administrations in developing poultry programs, which would help in the success of the programs implemented.
Results showed that, the main problems facing breeders from the viewpoint of SMSs were: high prices of fodder, spreading of poultry diseases in recent years, lack of veterinary care, absence of unified price, high costs of necessary medicines and vaccinations, and traders' domination of poultry prices.
SMS proposed the following suggestions to encounter the problems in poultry industry: improve the quality of fodder, raise awareness of breeders on how to control poultry diseases, and Zoonotic diseases, availability of credit at low interest rates, improve local species, governmental control over fodder prices, opening communication channels between agricultural extension and breeders, availability of vaccines, medicines and serum, facilitate veterinary care in veterinary units, encourage breeders to establish cooperatives to improve poultry production, open markets in many spread geographically, prohibit retailing live poultry, and finally activating the Stock Exchange of poultry prices to organize production and regulate the prices.
Publication year 2013
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City الجيزة
serial title كلية الزراعة جامعة القاهرة
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Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
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Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal