Knowledge of farmers regarding the implementation of technical recommendations in combating apple diseases and pests in new lands, Nubariya

Abstract: The research aim was to determine the degree of knowledge of farmers in implementing the technical recommendations related to combating apple diseases and pests in research area, also the research intended to determine the relationship between the degree of farmers’ knowledge in implementing the technical recommendations studied as the dependent variable and between each of the independent variables studied, as well as to identify the sources from which farmers draw their agricultural knowledge, and the problems they face in this field.
The research was carried out on a systematic random sample of apple growers in two agricultural cooperatives (El Orouba, and El Entellak), South Tahrir region, Nubariya province, Beheira Governorate; the total research sample was 167 respondents out of the total apples farmers’ respondents 1013 with 15%. Data were collected through personal interview using questionnaires during May 2014. SPSS was used to analyze data collected and to determine arithmetic average, Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, in addition some frequencies, percentages, percentage of the averages were presented in a table.
The most important research results are summarized as follows:
- 55,8% of the total respondents had a low degree of knowledge in implementing the technical recommendations related to combating apple diseases and pests, while 38.9% of them had an average degree of knowledge in implementing the technical recommendations studied, while 7,2% of them had a high degree of knowledge in implementing the technical recommendations
-The presence of a significant inverse relationship between each of the age, degree of knowledge in implementing the technical recommendations related to combating apple diseases and pests
-The existence of a positive correlation between the degree of education of the respondent, the area of agricultural holding, the area cultivated with apple, average production, degree of innovation, degree of opinion leadership, and the degree of
Knowledge of the respondents in implementing the technical recommendations studied.
- Sources of agricultural information relied upon by the respondents to access agricultural knowledge with regard to combating against diseases and pests which infect the apple crop were in descending order as follows: Neighbors and experienced parents were ranked first as a source of agricultural information with 90%, fertilizer and pesticide dealers were ranked second with 80%, and extension bulletins were ranked third with 49%.
- The problems facing apple growers in the research areas according to their opinion were arranged in descending order as follows: The problem of the absence of a specialized agricultural extension engineer in apple with 95%, the problem of lack of knowledge about the implementing the technical recommendations related to combating apple diseases and pests, and the problem of lack of knowledge about applying implementing the technical recommendations related to combating apple diseases and pests in the second place with 90%.
Publication year 2015
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    د. عبده عمران محمد المركز القومى للبحوث
    د. يسرية أحمد علام المركز القومى للبحوث
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal