The Role of Some Farming Service organizations in the Promotion of Farm Production in Some Villages at Edfu Center in Aswan Governorate
Abstract: The research aimed to identify the roles of som farming service organizations which are, Agricultural cooperatives association, Agricultural Extension, And veterinary unit in the promotion of farm production, and veterinary unit in the promotion of farm production, identify the existence, of there organizations , Tthir current roles in providing service, The farmers utilization of these services and how it meet their needs, Also the research aimed to identify the quality, adequacy, The proper times of providing there services, And the farmers expectations from the studid organizations in the future. Finally introduce som suggestion to indicators that can contribute in activating the role of each of the studied organizations in providing services to the farmers in research area. The research was conducted on field crops farmers located in Edfu center during the period from 15 July to 15-August 2014, by using focus group discussions to collection data of the study. The main results of the study are as follows: - Agricultural cooperative association and agricultural extension were find in all the studied villages, while the veterinary unit were find in five villages only. - The services introduced by agricultural cooperative association in the field of plant production were providing seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, training the associations' members on the new agriculture methods, and clearing canals and drainage. - In the field of Animal Production the presented services of the associations were establishing cow,sheep and poultry farms to provide their products to farmers, and the distribution of bran generation from Mills products also. - Concerning Marketing services, it included marketing some agricultural crops cooperatively against smoll fees, establishing marketing links and encourage farmers to contribute in it. - Relating to the finance it was providing farmars with loans on low interest and concessional conditions, getting loans to run it for the benefit of its membersand give farmars loans forrevolving. - The services provided by agricultural extension in the field of plant production, were cultivating extention fields for agricultural crops, and motivating farmers to apply the technical recommendations on different agricultural crops in their fields. - In animal production agricultural extension conduct seminars to raise farmer’s awarenes on animals and birds diseases and infections and to protect and treat them. In marketing agricultural extension urged farmers to supply wheat and maize. - The services of the veterinary units were represented in the inventory of animals in the area of the unit giving l animal vaccination against epidemic diseases, and providing insurance service for livestock breeders. - The expected future role of the studid organizations were, for agricultural cooperative associationwas to develop a plan for the distributing fertilizer to farmers appropriately and in the suitable time repairs and maintain the associations bulding and stor inorder to provide its services properly. Concerning agricultural extension, appointment of a new staff to increase the extension workers in order to meet the need of role people. - The expecte role of the veterinary unit were to creats new staff to work as especialsrs and train on gining vaccine to animals.
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