Sugar Beet Crop Contractual Agriculture as Perceived by Farmers in Kafr Elsheikh and Dakahliya Governorates
Abstract: This research aimed to identify current situation of contractual agriculture of sugar Beet Crop as perceived by respondents, to identify the current and proposed role of agricultural extension in contractual agriculture of sugar Beet Crop in targeted research area, to identify problems that encounter Sugar Beet farmers, and to identify respondents' Proposals to solve problems that encounter Sugar Beet farmers in targeted area. The largest two governorates (Kafr El-Sheikh and Dakahlia) were selected according to size of sugar beet planted area, In the same way, the two largest districts were selected from each governorate and the largest village in each district, the villages were Ta'won Awal, Mofti, Mahmudiya and Satamoni. The research data were collected during February 2017 by questionnaire from a regular random sample of 190 respondents, according to Cochran's sample size formula, Frequencies, percentages and tables were used for data and results presentation. The main findings were summarized as follows: - The majority of the respondents (97.9%) heard about the contractual agriculture system, The most important sources of hearing were the representatives of sugar companies with 41.1%, followed by Relatives and neighbors with 31.5%. - 89.2 % of respondents were contracted before planting the crop with the sugar companies, and 95.1% of them believe that contract farming system is important. Or somewhat important. - The main advantages of the contract farming system to ensure the marketing of the crop, get good seeds, Protection from exploitation of traders, and the guarantee of transportation and the reduction of expenses. The disadvantages were the problems of estimate weight and sugar percentage, price was lower than the market price at the time of delivery. - -The majority of respondents (72%) believe that agricultural extension has no role in the contractual agriculture system, while 20.4% of the them indicated its role in defining farmers with contracting companies and the advantages and disadvantages of each , providing extension information during production, They suggested that agricultural extension should provide information about contracting companies and the advantages and disadvantages of each, and provide assistance and extension information during production. - The most important marketing problems in the contract agriculture system were the problem of delayed arrival of transport cars and part of the crop was damaged, high prices of transportation, low estimate of the weight and sugar percentage, Payment delayed, and problems of dealing with the banks. - (94.1%) of respondents indicated that the most important problems of contracting were the existence of a single copy of the contract at the sugar company, signed by companies' representatives according its conditions, the majority of respondents indicated that they don't knew anything about terms of the contract and Penal conditions. - Respondents suggested to solve marketing problems, the arrival of the harvest order at the appropriate time for the farmer, weigh the crop in the farmland or the recognition of the external weight. Also, there be committee or representatives representing farmers in factories, and receiving the Crop prices in cash through its representatives. - respondents suggested contracting with the agricultural cooperatives itself, or the agricultural cooperatives be an intermediary in the contract and save one copy of contract, with the importance of having a contract of two copies. - respondents suggested some items for writing the contract, including: the method of determining crop price according to the current market price, and rapid transfer and receipt of the crop, determine the weight and sugar percentage and impurities as appropriate, penalty conditions on the factory when not complying with the terms of the contract.
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