The satisfaction of the young graduated planters of the executed guidance activites in some villages Norht-delta governorates

Abstract: The research aimed recogonizing the level of executing the guidance activities in the villages of the pioneers, the progress and the pioneer in the North – Delta region from the view point of the young graduated planters as of the research, their satisfaction, defining the Co-relationship and deciding the differences significance among the studied villages concerning the average scores of satisfaction of the subjects from the young graduates about executed guidance activities in the their villages as well.
The question aite by interview was used as tool to collect data of the study. Data was collected during October and November 2004. The sample was from young graduated planters in the villages of pioneers, progress and the pioneer and reached 190 subjects.
Data was analyzed statistically by using numbers, average percentages, person simple co-efficient (R) and vatiance analysis test (F).
The most important results are as follows:
1- The general level of executing the guidance activities from point of view of young graduated planter subjects was generally weak as the general average percentage of scores of executing the guidance activities was 44.95% but the level of executing guidance activities in the field of raising the productivity efficiency in the animal and plant production was averages as the percentage of the average scores of their execution was 65.1% and the level of presenting the guidance activities of the other studied fields was weak.
2- The satisfaction level of the young graduated plant subjects of the guidance activities executed in their villages was average concerning the guidance activities in the field of raising the productivity efficiency in the animal and plant production while the level was weak concerning the guidance activities in the other studied fields. The general level of satis faction of young graduates of the guidance activities executed in their villages was generally weak as the percentage of average score of the subject's satisfaction was 64.05%.
3- There was a positive significant co-relationship between the level of executing the guidance activities in the studied villages from the view point of the young graduated planter subjects.
4- There were significant differences among the studied villages concerning the average scores of the subjects, satisfaction of the guidance activities in the field of raising the productivity efficiency of animal and plaud production and marketing the farm production and marketing the farm products and the farm administration as well concerning the general level of the subject satisfaction scores of guidance activities generally , while there were no significant difference among them concerning the guidance activities of developing, maintenance and the best using of natural resources
Publication year 2005
Pages 534-561
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library- Agricultural Research Center- 8, Cairo University St., -Cairo –Egypt
Availability number 21
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Shariea
Publisher Name: The Egyptian society of applied sciences- Egypt
serial title Egyptian journal of applied science
ISSN 1110-1571
Volume 20 . 4
Department Extension Programs Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    عبد المنعم السيد محمد الزق كلية الزراعة -جامعة الأزهر- اسيوط
Agris Categories Extension
Proposed Agrovoc rural youth;
Publication Type Journal