The adoption of the farmers' field schools for some citrus recommendations in some villages of fayoum governorate.

Abstract: The research aims at determining the adoption level of the farmers' field schools for some citrus technical recommendations including prunning, fertilization, weed control, and pest and disease control. It also aims at determining the relationship between adoption degree for such recommendations and some personal and social variables, and identifying the constraints that face the citrus farmers while implementing those recommendations.
A random regular sample was selected among the farmers' field schools of Fayoum and Senours district that repersent 60% out of the total number of the citrus farmers who are participating in the farmer field school that amount 192 farmers. The sample includes 115 respondents out of which 37 from the villages of Zawait El Karadsa, Bani Salah and El Zawia, Fayoum district and 78 from the villages of Manshiat Dokem, Fedamien, El Silica, Sanhour El Keblia and Nakalifa, Senours district.
The data were collected during February 2004 using personal interviews by a written questionnaire that was designed and initially tested on 15 farmers of the field school in Fayoum district and then it was adjusted to be in its final form.
The data were quantitively treated and statistically analyzed by the simple correlation coefficient, arithmetic mean, range and percentage. The following were the most important research results:
- The results reveal that 87.8% out of the total sample adopted the prunning recommendation of which 38.6%, 34.7% and 26.7% with low, medium and high level of adoption, respectively.
- The results reveal that 86.1% out of the total sample adopted the fertilization recommendation, of which 38.4%, 32.3% and 29.3% with low, medium and high level of adoption, respectively.
- The results reveal that 72.2% out of the total sample adopted the weed control recommendation, of which 43.4%, :10.1% and 26.5% with low. medium and high level of adoption, respectively.
- The results reveal that 51.7% out of the total sample adopted the pest and disease control recommendation, of which 49.3%, 28.2% and 22.5% with low. medium and high level of adoption, respectively.
- There was a direct relationship between the respondents' adoption for the studied citrus recommendation and the independent variables of respondent education, from size, cosmopolitans, economic return, and ambitious Ievel at a significant level 0.01 while there was a significant relationship with the leadershipness at a significant level 0.05.
There were 8 constraints that face the farmers during their implementation for the studied recommendation. They included : the high cost of production inputs, unavailability of fertilizer and pesticides, infection with pests, difficulty of marketing, cultivation of different citrus varieties, unavailability of specialized extension pamphlets for citrus, irregularity of irrigation shifts, and lack of drainage.

Publication year 2004
Pages 547-561
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library – agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 42
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City El-sharkia
Publisher Name: The Egyptian Journal Of Applied Sciences -Egypt
serial title Egyptian Journal Of Applied Sciences
ISSN 1110-1571
Volume 19 . 11
Department Extension Programs Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Proposed Agrovoc Adoption of Innovations;
Publication Type Journal