Effectiveness of leadership related to agricultural cooperative board in the new land in son governorates in M.A.R.

Abstract: The main objective of this study were to identify the role of Agricultural leadership in the new and which is their real work, to identify the expected Agricultural Extension Role and the problems faced the Agricultural cooperative leadership in a achieving their responsibilities.
This research was conducted in 19 village located in the new land a sample of 135 cooperative board leaders was used in implementing the research. A pre-tested written questionnaires and personal interviews were used in collecting the study date.
Frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, simple correlation coefficient, step-wise analyzing the obtained study data.
The main finding of the research were as the following: Average age of the studied leaders was about 48 years while number of family members working in agricultural was approximately 3 persons, Average of agricultural land owner ship was 5.3 feddans, and the most effective information channels used were T.V. agric extension and extension fields. The role boards was applied of recommendation of plants and animal production (85, 89%) also to push farmers to participate in agricultural extension activities (65%) and a warmness campaign for settlers (65%) and help then to establish small project (61%) the least role played by the leadership was to preserve and maintain the agricultural land.
The expected role related to leadership were information technology for plants and animal production by research institutes in the new land, to open view clubs to disseminate for to technology VCR program, to re-evaluate the role of cooperative on the light of different socio-economic change, participating in a achieving high profits from plants and animal production for cooperative numbers in the new land, playing a role with soil improvement and environment in conducting meetings and symposiums in relation with environment and soil conservation opening new marketing outlets for the new products.
The main obstact that face those cooperative were identified including unavailability of enough financial resources, and unavailability of enough extension publications.
Publication year 2004
Pages 3277-3288
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library – agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 58
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Mansoura
Publisher Name: Faculty of Agricultural, Mansoura University- Egypt
serial title Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Sciences
ISSN 1110-0346
Volume 29 . 6
Department Extension Methods and Audio/Visual Aids Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal