Some variables affecting agricultural extension agents attitudes towards agricultural extension training in Egypt

Abstract: This study aims to: identify Agricultural Extension Agents attitudes level towards extension training and the relationship between some independent variables and determine the contribution percentage of some Independent variables which significant correlation relationship, which Interpret the total differences of extension Agents attitudes towards extension training and elements of this attitudes.
The study carried out in: Quana, Sohag, Menia, Sharkya, Menofia and Behira governorates. 295 Extension Agents were chosen as systematic random sample which represented 27.44% of population.
Data was collected Interview personal with questionnaire, simple correlation coefficient, multiple correlation and regression analysis "step-wise ", were used to analyze the data.
The major results of this study were as follows:
68.81 % of respondents had either low or moderate
attitudes towards extension training, This Indicated that the attitudes of extension Agents towards extension training were relatively low.
The relationship was significant between the total degree of attitudes of extension Agents towards extension training and each of: period of working in Agriculture, period of working In extension, Training delivery, Training sessions number, period of training, Benefit of training, achievement motivation, Aspiration level, innovativeness, lob satisfaction, Organizational climate, Organizational loyalty and Organizational conflict. And showed that eight independent variables contributed to Interpret the 59. 54% of total difference in the degree of extension Agents attitudes towards extension training.
Publication year 2005
Pages 451-463
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library – agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 76
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Giza
Publisher Name: Agricultural Research Centre – Egypt
serial title Egyptain Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 83 . 1
Department Extension Organization and Training Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمود محمد مصطفى كلية الزراعة - جامعة عين شمس
Agris Categories Extension
Proposed Agrovoc Extension training;
Publication Type Journal