Sources of information of agriculturar extension agents in Egypt

Abstract: The objectives of the study were: -To determine for reasons which motivate agricultural extension agents to search for information.
-To explore the sources of information and their frequency of use by agricultural extension agents.
-To determine the degree of suitability of sources of information.
-To determine the relationship between the element of the degree of suitability of sources of information which include newness. the way information presented, Usability, accessibility, as a dependent variable, and some independent variables:
-To determine the relationship between the Total degree of suitability sources of information as a dependent variable, and the some of the previously motivated independent variables;
-To identify the credibility for sources of information.
-To identify the advantages and disadvantages of sources of information categories.
-To identify the constraints which lace AEA in using sources of information as well'as the suggestions for overcoming then.
The study was conducted in three governorates of A.R.E. namely El Behira, El Menia and Asuit . Size of cultivated area was used in selecting the governorates accordingly El Behira, E1 Menia and Asuit were chosen to represent governorates largest cultivated (lower, Medium, Upper Egypt). Data was collected during December 2003 and January 2004 using a questionnaire especially designed and pre-tested on a sample emanated to (276) agents representing about 28% of the total 975 AEA in the there are distributed according as existing portion in the district's of three governorates , Frequencies, percentages, averages and parson correlation coefficient were Used for data analysis and presentation.
The most important results of the study could be summarized as follows: -The most frequent reasons (31.1%) that motive AEA to seek information is farmers requited Information.
- Frequently for using source of information
Among the 15 source of information the study revealed following:
- Work supervisor's (Heads of district extension office) are the most frequent sources used, (967%).
• Periodic use of source of information
- The most frequent Verbal; Daily use of Other Extension Agent (70,8%)-Weekly use of Television (61.2%) - Monthly use of Researchers 46.7%).
- The most frequent Written: Daily use of Written Reports (13.5%) and Weekly use (58.7%) Monthly use of Extension Pamphlets (80.1%).
Ranking of frequency of use of the categories of the sources of Information using x show that verbal sources of information most frequent (54.1), followed by written source of Information (13.0) while Electronic sources were the least frequent (0.7).
Suitability of sources of information
Suitability of sources of information was studied four element newness, the way information presented, Usability, accessibility.
- Work supervisor's ranked high in the total of suitability in all the three categories of sources of information is (92%) followed by the AEAs (83.3%).
- Ranking the way information presented of the sources of information
Work supervisor's ranked high in the way Information presented of information (82.2%) followed by Written Reports (66.7%).
- Ranking newness of the sources of information
Extension Pamphlets ranked high in the newness of information (62.7%) followed by Work supervisor's (59.8%).
- Ranking accessibility of the sources of information
Work supervisor's ranked high in the accessibility of information (82.2%) followed by Other Extension Agent (79.3%).
- Ranking , Usability of the sources of information
Work supervisor's ranked high in Usability (92.2%) followed by Other Extension Agent (83.3%).
The relationship between total degree of suitability sources of information was tested using parson correlation coefficient the finding revealed the following positive relationships:
As regarding of the credibility for sources of information through four components as are source experience , confidence of the source and information accurate which the source is presented it and the attractive source, from that showed that the chiefs in the work like an information source are the Top of other sources in the studied three sorts as generally as the experience degree the presents accursed information attractive degree and the Top of the oral sources as specially from , about 69,9% , 79% , 71,0% 67.4% from whom were researched as followed , also 69.2% , 73.6 % , 73.6% ,70.3 from whom were researched referred to that the reseeded are coming to the second class as experience , confidence as from the attracters between the studied sources as welt as in the oral sources.
Majority of whom were research 89,9% refer to supply inclosing of requirement explanation and suggestion are the most of advantages for oral sources frequently also 40,9% refereed that the most advantages which the writer sources enjoy its are the ability of saving its notice that the electronic sources are the most sorts which whom were don't know its advantages , about half of whom were researched showed (47,5% ) they don't knew that sources distinguish to getting information from its or not.
The most limitations of the sources which are presented the information as or of form phonetic that there is not found when we need its mentioned that than two third (68,1%) from whom were researched referred to that , and than three-foot from who care researched (76.1%) that the noisily for explanation and clearing of the written sources are consider as existing faults as frequently . as computers approximated than half of whom were resealed refer to the most faults of electronic sources frequently are its necessity to dealing skills with computer .
Publication year 2004
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library – agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 438
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Extension Organization and Training Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Egypt. Extension activities. Information needs.
Proposed Agrovoc information sources;
Publication Type PhD Thesis