Abstract: Abstract The research aimed to identify : • the potential media role in the field of rural tourism in terms of media, propaganda, advertising, news, culture, persuasion, marketing, entertainment; • the technical forms of the media message of rural tourism; • the factors that help the success of the media in the performance of his role in the field of rural tourism finaly; • the relative importance of the actors affecting the demand in the field of rural tourism. The research was conducted in the governorates of Giza, Ismailia, Dakahlia, Minya and Alexandria where the entities that work in the field of agricultural media belonging to the agricultural and research sector are located and they are: the Central Administration for Agricultural Extension, the General Administration of Agricultural Culture at the Agricultural Research Center in Giza, and the four media support centers in Ismailia, Dikirnis, Mariout and Mallawi. The research was also conducted on the community-wide among the agricultural media workers in the aforementioned bodies, which amounted to 85 respondents. Data was collected during the month of September 2019.
The most important results of the search are the following: 1- The high percentage of levels category, each of the following: • The high level of the role of the media and advertising components prospective in the field of rural tourism, as their percentage reached 62.4% and 63.5%, respectively. • The general average level of the prospective media role in the field of rural tourism, where it reached 49.4% 2- As for the technical forms suitable for presenting the media message in the field of rural tourism, it contained 4 technical forms: audiovisual technical forms, printed technical forms, electronic technical forms, and visual technical forms. 3- The percentage of arranging these technical ranged between 48.2 – 27.1%, Where the technical form, organizing field visits to rural sites and attractions on nature, ranked first with a percentage of 84.2%, while rural theater ranked last with a percentage of 27.1%. 4- As for the relative importance of some factors affecting the demand in the field of rural tourism, it was found that there are 4 types of factors are : economic factors, social factors, nature factors and total average degree for them was 8.83, 11.95, 4.91, 8.41 respectively. 5- The total average degree of the relative importance of the economic factors affecting the tourist demand in the field of rural tourism was 8.83, with a percentage of 58.92%, and the average degree ranged between 1.88 - 1.46 degrees, and a percentage of 62.8 - 48.6%. The costs of travel came in the first place , with an average degree of 1.88, a percentage of 62.8%. 6- The total average degree of the relative importance of the social factors affecting the tourist demand in the field of rural tourism was 11.95 degrees, with a percentage of 56.91%, and the average degree ranged between 1.92 - 1.49 degrees, and a percentage of 64.0 - 49.7%. The safety factor came in first place with an average degree of 1.88, or 62.8%. 7- The total average degree of the relative importance of the natural factors affecting the tourist demand in the field of rural tourism was 4.91 degrees, with a percentage of 54.5%, and the average degree ranged between 1.75 - 1.54 degrees, with a percentage of 58.3 - 51.3%. The rural nature factor came in the first place, with an average degree of 1.75, with a percentage of 58.3% 8- The total average degree of the relative importance of the basic infrastructure factors affecting the tourism demand in the field of rural tourism was 8.41 degrees, with a percentage of 56.1%, and the average degree ranged between 1.84-1.58 degrees, and with a percentage of 61.3-52.7%. The tourism companies factor came in the first place with an average degree of 1.84, with a percentage of 61.3%. 9- The results showed that the financial resources allocated to rural tourism media are the most factors that help the success of the rural tourism media in performing its role, which came in first place with a percentage of 89.4%, while the last of those factors was keeping up with the scientific trends in rural tourism and trying to compete with it, which came In the fourteenth and last place, with a percentage of 57.6%.
The research resulted in five recommendations that could contribute to the prospective media role in the field of rural tourism.