Growers Implementaion Of New Practices Recommended FOR Wheat Crop Production In Sharkia Governorate

Abstract: Abstract
sThis research aimed to identify the implementation level of the wheat
growers towardsthe new practices recommended for thewheat crop
production, and to determine the coefficient correlation and regression
relationship between it and the studied independent variables, in addition to
identify the major extension services introduced to the growers related to the
new practices recommended forthe crop production. Plus to determine the
constraints which face the growers in the crop production. The research was
conducted in a major three districts of wheat crop cultivation with one village
in each. Arondom sample was selected amounted to 177 respondents of the
crop growers with %10 from the total number of them. Data werecolleted by
a pretested questionnaire through personal interview in May 2018.
Percentages and frequencies, main, coefficient correlation and
step_wize were used for data analysis.
The research results were as follows:-
1- The implementation percent of the crop recommendations was law by
about%37,29 of the respondents while it was moderate and high by about
%34,46, %28,25 of them respectively.
2- There was a significant correlation degree of the respondent's
implementation of the crop new praction recommended and the studied
independent variables.
3- The step- wize result revealed that two independentvariablesare
responsible for the total variance of the growers implementation for the
new practices of the crop. ددعلا ـ نورشعلاو ثلاثلا دلجملا ـ ىعارزلا داشرال ةيملعلا ةيعمجلا ةلجم سرام رياربف رياني ـ لواا 9102

4- The major important agricultural services introduced to the growers were
respectively as follows: the availability of high yield crop seeds, the
availability of drill machines, and the integrated control of wild oat, the
integrated control of birds, raised beds cultivation, availabity
oforganicfertilizers withsuitable prices, availability of biofertilizers
5- There are many constraints face the crop growers, the most important of
it is the absence of the specialized wheat extensionest, lake of irrigation
water, high prices of fertilizers and not availability of it in the suitable time
and high prices of pesticides.
Publication year 2019
Pages 186-205
Organization Name
City القاهرة
serial title مجلة لجمعية العلمية للإرشاد الزراعي
Web Page
ISSN 1110-7878
Author(s) from ARC
Publication Type Journal