Attitude of Tomato Growers Towards Adapting to the Harmful Effects of Climate Change in some villages of Al-Burullus Distict in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
Abstract: This research aimed to identfy the attitude of the tomato growers towards adapting to the harmful effects of climate change, determining the correlation between the degree of their attitudes towards adaptation to the impact of this phenomenon and the studied independent variables, and determining the contribution of each of the independent variables with significant correlation in explaining the total variance that occurred in the tendency level of the surveyed tomato growers towards adaptation to the impacts of climate change phenomenon, in addition to identifying the obstacles facing the tomato growers in terms of adaptation to the impacts of this phenomenon from their point of view. This research was conducted in Al-Burullus district in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate as one of the largest districts in the governorate in terms of the area planted with tomato; three villages were selected with the same criterion the same district namely Al-Hammad, Al-Ayash, and Al-Shihabia. A regular random sample of 225 respondents was chosen representative 10% of the total farmers in each of the three selected villages (2250 farmers). Data was collected using a questionnaire form by a personal interview with members of the research sample during December 2019 after the initial testing and making the necessary adjustments to it. Frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, weighted average, the Pearson correlation coefficient and step-wise were used in data analysis and presentation of results. The results showed the following: 1- That about 43% of the respondents came in a negative attitude, about a third of them (31%) had a neutral level of attitude, and over a quarter of them (26%) had a positive attitude towards adapting to the harmful effects of climate change. 2- Six independent variables combined together explain the percentage 54.9% of the total variation occurring in the degree of respondents attitude towards adapting to the harmful effects of climate, 18.6% of which is due to the availability of agricultural and extension services for the adaptation of tomato crop, 13.9% for the degree of readiness for change, 10.4% for the cultivated area, 5.8% for the degree of knowledge of the aspects of low temperatures on the tomato crop, 4.7% for the full-time variable for the agricultural work, and 1.5% for the degree of knowledge of the symptoms of high temperatures on the tomato crop. 3- Twelve obstacles are facing the respondents in terms of adaption to the damages of climate change from their point of view, and they came in descending order as follows: the lack of extension officers in the field of impact of climate change on the tomato crop (93.3%), the absence of the role of the meteorology station in the region to provide the farmers of tomato with new weather forecast (90.7%), the lack of awareness of the farmers about the effects of climate changes on the tomato crop (88.4%),
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