A study of some variables related to farmers opinion leadership

Abstract: This study was carried out in a village in Kafre Saad District in Damietta Governorate, a random sample of 78 farmers were chosen, Data were collected through personal interview based on pretested questionnaire . This investigation aimed to study the relationship between farmers' degree of opinion leadership, as a dependent variable, and 15 independent variables.
Simple correlation analysis revealed that five variables out of the 15 studied variables were significantly associated with farmers' degree of opinion leadership. Step-Wise multiple correlation and regression analysis showed that only two independent variables namely, awareness of the agricultural innovations and decision making of the agricultural innovations, were significantly associated with degree of opinion leadership to the extent that these two variables jointly contributed to 45.3 percent of the predictability of opinion leadership. This means that 54.7 percent of the variation of predictability of opinion leadership of farmers remained to be accounted for in future studies.
Publication year 1987
Pages 16
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library – agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 129
Organization Name
City Giza
serial title Bulletin of Agricultural research and Rural development research institute
Department Extension Organization and Training Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal