Egyptian maize farmers utilization of agricultural sources of information centralized around extension Aggregates

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the change in maize farmer's utilization of agricultural sources of information about maize crop under- centralization extension demonstration method. To realize that 342 farmers from the extension aggregates as experimental group and 358 farmer-a as control group were chosen from Kafr E1-Shcikn, Aakahia, Gharbiah, Manofiah and Beni Sweef governorates For each of them Pre and Post measurements were conducted to determine their utilized sources of information about maize crop . Data were collected through personal interview's. For data analysis welciceon non--parametric teat was used to determine the differences for utilizing each source of information between before measurements.
The main results referred that naturalization of demonstration method lead to changes in their utilization of other various sources of agricultural information such as groups meeting, mass methods and extension publications. Also all of them neglected self experience as a source.
As an indirect affect to thin centralization of demonstration method for comparative farmers, it also increased their utilization demonstration, extension publications but decreased their utilization to visit and meetings as sources of information and they utilize more demonstrators as sources of information about maize crop. They avoided also self experience as sources of information. Based on the previous results, the study recommended the utilization of extension methods centered demonstration for its suitability for Egyptian cliental.
Publication year 1987
Pages 15
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library – agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 10
Organization Name
City Giza
serial title Bulletin of Agricultural research and Rural development research institute
Department Extension Methods and Audio/Visual Aids Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Egypt. Farmers. Maize.
Publication Type Journal