Factors favoring continuous growing of baladi (local) corn varieties by some Egyptian farmers "case study in an Egyptian village"

Abstract: The objective of the present study was to determine factors for continuous growing of baladi (local) corn varieties by some corn growers, in spite of the high-yielding varieties. Case-Study was applied using random sampling on 134 farmers; representing 10% of the corn growers in Beltan village. Tookh District, Qalubyia Governorate.
Percentage differences, Chi square (X2), Frequency distributions and percentage were used for the statistical analyses. Results showed twelve reasons for continuous growing of Baladi corn varieties by farmers. Frequency distribution among these reasons ranged between 94.74% and 31.58% and their descending order was as follows:
Flour qualities 94.74%, least production cost 74.74%. avoiding risk of growing new varieties 74,74%, market preference of baladi varieties 72.63%, seeding of a known variety 68.42%, less husky ears 66.32%, high yield of kernels to cobs 61.05%, storage tolerance 56.84%, tolerance to late planting 55.79%, less need for fertilizers 52.63%, more adaptation to ecological conditions 36.84%, can be used in animal feed 31,58%.

The study of some variables which were expected to be effective on the continuation of local corn varieties cultivation by the interviewed sample farmers, showed that there were no significant effect of both age and family size variables, while the effect was significant on the 0.05 level for size of agricultural holding and on the 0.01 level for both education and size of local corn varieties crop area.
These results have led to some recommendation through which a more effective dissemination and adoption of new high-yielding corn varieties can be grown by farmers.
These Recommendations are:
1- Assurance of using hybrid corn seed for every planting.
2- Assurance of handling and storing hybrid seed
3- Selecting varieties that possess qualities preferred by farmers.

Publication year 1992
Pages 15
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library – agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 180
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Giza
Publisher Name: Agricultural Research Centre – Egypt
serial title Bulletin of Agricultural Extension and Rural development Research Institute
Department Extension Methods and Audio/Visual Aids Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    د. محمد أحمد محمد عبد القادر كلية الزراعة - جامعة الأزهر
Agris Categories Extension
Proposed Agrovoc adoption of innovations;
Publication Type Journal