Analitical Study For The Content Of Some Land Secret Episodes Ready For Broadcasting

Abstract: Television is considered one of the most important and effective communication method used in education. It has a powerful audiovisual effect, and a capability to attract the viewers attention, a large number of them. It is also characterized by having lots of capabilities that can present the suitable artistic treatment for the educational content that it broadcasts in a way that makes it difficult for other means to challenge. Because it presents subjects that are educational and entertaining at the same time, using cartoons and sound effects as well as shaping the scientific content in various dramatic forms, it takes into consideration that the scientific content has to have special qualifications. The most important one is to meet the needs of the recipients, and to be applicable in real life, to be understood by the viewers, and to be resented in a clear way.
Because of the above educational importance of the television, episodes of the Agricultural Extension Education Series "Land Secret" were prepared to provide the educational content through a dramatic act that is characterized by being a comedy acted by some well-known actors. Beside containing drama, it contained some other forms of communication like music, songs and dances to affirm the educational content and the dramatic events, and introduce it in an interesting way that is educational and entertaining at the same time.
As the educational communicative work has to be evaluated, to direct its course in an effective way, and according to the will of the people in charge of the production of the television episodes " Land Secret", to evaluate their production and to know the effect of some new adjustment that were newly put in the episodes, this study was made to analyze the content of 18 episodes ready for broadcasting, but riot yet released. They were chosen for being suitable and were there at the date of the study.
This study has used the content analyses research method, where it defined the content categories, and the format categories. Also the measuring units, the validity and reliability of results were tested.
The data was analyzed and presented by using frequency, percentages, arithmetic means and graphics. The most important results can be summarized as follows:
Data indicated that the total number of episodes were 110 episodes up until the date of' the study. It can be classified into: 41 episodes for plant production in the pilot phase while it reached 24 episodes in the recent phase, with 8 episodes under study. Episodes on animal production were 9 in the pilot phase, and the recent phase has S episodes with 4 under study. General subjects in the pilot phase were 20 episodes, while in the recent phase were 13 episodes, 6 of them are under study.

As for the episodes under study, the content analysis results showed:
• 12 episodes representing 68% of the time spent, were about subjects concerning plant production which is (agronomy, vegetables, cultivating processes, and pesticides). While the animal production episodes were 4 representing 23% of the time of the studied episodes.
• Infants' nutrition episodes were 2 representing only 9% of the time of the studied episodes.
• 12 of the studied episodes had an educational content of 26% to 50% of the time of the episode, and more than that in 5 episodes, which shows the interest of the producers in the educational side as well as the drama.
• The content of all studied episodes was directly related to the main objective of each one. Only 4 episodes were found to have goals related indirectly to the subject, they are either a cause or a result of it. The secondary goals were found in 13 episodes. It was aimed to public health, religious, extension, social political, economical goals.
• 8 episodes representing 44% of the total studied episodes, included foreign words either English, French or Japanese.
• 4 episodes representing 22% of the total studied episodes, included some scientific expressions, and commercial names which could be hard for the farmers to understand. But as the drama and dialogue goes on, it was found that there is an explanation to these words in order to insert it in the frame of language and knowledge of the target recepients.
• In the one episode, the one information was repeated between 3-4 times, This was applied in 15 episodes representing 83% of the total studied episodes. The question of the episode was repeated in all episodes except the two episodes on child nutrition.
• In 13 episodes representing 72% of the total number, the source of scientific material was researchers from Agriculture Research Center, the rest was from other sources related to the Center.
• Choosing the speaker or the one who gives the recommendation was very much successful. Beside being versatile, it was an imitation of the real sources that the farmer goes to for their information, First is the farmer's family, then the rural leader, the extension agent, the veterinarian or the physician, and finally other categories like technicians.

As for the episode format analysis the results showed:
• Comedy and neutral forms of drama used in the episodes both had an almost equal percentage. The time of neutral type was 44%, the comedy was 43%, while only 13% was for the tragedy type, out of the total time of all studied episodes.

• All studied episodes included parts of music accompanying the drama and events, but not the recommendations, in 16 episodes representing 89% of the total studied episodes which enables the audience to good listening to the recommendations. Songs and folk songs had educational content in 3 episodes, representing 17% of the total number of episodes. It served the drama only in 10 episodes representing 39% of total studied episodes. Dancing was found in 6 episodes representing 33% of the total number of studied episodes. Folk sayings were used in 5 episodes representing 28%, religious statements in two, representing 11% out of the total studied episodes. Data also showed the variation of shooting locations although it was all in real places of the events and the natural environment, so the elements of form and effects served the content In addition to that, a group of well known, loved actors performed in the episodes which caused an attracting element to the episodes.
• Dialogue as a form of drama was found in all episodes. 78% of the episodes included dialogue between more than two persons. 56% of the episodes included monologue or self-discussion. Animated graphics segments varied between one and three in 15 episodes included two drawings, and two episodes included three drawings. The rest of episodes included none, but had other elements that services the meaning like using zoom in enlarging the real pictures.
• The one subject episode and the one subject-two episodes had the same number in the study, as it was 8 episodes for each, with a percentage of 44% of the total studied number of episodes. The continued episodes were in only two episodes.
• There is a logical sequence of the scenes in all episodes without exaggeration in the number. It varied between 6-I3 scenes in each episode. Some negative points were found as in prologing the dancing scenes and the dramatic events without serving the goal of the episode. Some scenes did not go with the subject. The study recommended cutting (shortening) the scenes that does not go with it.
Publication year 1995
Pages 38
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library – agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 202
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Giza
Publisher Name: Agricultural Research Centre – Egypt
serial title Bulletin of Agricultural Extension and Rural development Research Institute
Department Extension Methods and Audio/Visual Aids Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Mass media.
Publication Type Journal