Extension supervisors' techniques in motivating local. agricultural extension agents in some A.R.E. governorates

Abstract: This study aimed to identify positive and negative incentives used for motivating local agricultural extension agents and barrie¬rs hindering them .
Date were collected in April and May 1993 by using personal interview with a random sample of 62 agricultural extension supe¬rvisors representing 50% of the total population of agricultural extension supervisors in six Egyptian governorates which are: El-Bohiera , Monofia, Ismailia, Giza, El-Minia, and Sohage, amounting to 13, 9, 8, 8, 12, and 12 respectively. Tabultion, Frequencies, percentages, means, standard derivation, standard scores and simple correlation were used to present and analyze the data.
Results showed that:
1. There are 15 positive incentives used by extension supervi¬sors in motivating local agricultural extension agents with a percentage ranged between a maximum of 92.5% and a minimum of 73.5% of the maximum degree of motivating utilezed amount to 4 degrees.
2. There are 14 negative incentives used for motivating local agricultural extension agent), with a percentage ranged between a maximum of 82.75% and a minimum of 37.5% of the maximum degree of motivating utilezed amount to 4 degrees .
3. The majority of the interviewed agricultural extension supervi¬sors ( 80.65% ) tend to use positive motivations than negative motivations which are amounting to 8.06% while 11.29 utilise both positive and negative motivation with a balanced degree.
4. There was a significant correlation at the 0.05 level between the total degree of using motivation by extension supervisors and the number of training courses they attended while there was no signifant relation with other factors which were their period of being extension supervisors, total period of working in exte¬nsion field period of working in agricultural field and age.
5. Respondents suggested 7 techniques to be used in motivating local agricultural extension agents, the 7 motivation techniques were: donating suitable monetary incentives, organizing visits proved nations in extension work, providing fuel for Motorcycles, providing transportation facelities ( motorcycles ), organizing visit* to improved governorates in extension work, offering certi¬ficates of distinction and making annual celebration day for recognizing excellent agricultural extension agent.
6. It reveald also that there are 5 barriers hindring them, the 5 hinderances were: Lack of suitable monetary incentives, monetery incentives were subjects complex rotenic matters, lack of improvement opportunities , direst supervisors not taking in conside¬ration donating incentives and giving incentives to non excellent agents for personal reasons.
In the light of such results. recommendations were introduced for increasing motivation extension agents.
Publication year 1994
Pages 26
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library – agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 191
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Giza
Publisher Name: Agricultural Research Centre – Egypt
serial title Bulletin of Agricultural Extension and Rural development Research Institute
Department Extension Programs Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Proposed Agrovoc extension personnel;
Publication Type Journal