Knowledge level of farmers regarding the technical recommendations of producing and marketing Mango crop in Ismailia and Sharkia governorates

Abstract: The objectives of this research were to : 1- Determine the Knowledge Level of respondent Mango farmers regarding the technical recommendations of producing and marketing mango crop. 2- Determine the relationship between the knowledge Level of respondents regarding the technical recommendations of producing and marketing mango crop and some independent variables. 3-Determine the constraints facing Mango crop producing and marketing from the viewpoint of respondents.
A systematic random sample of 240 Mango farmers was selected from six villages in six districts of Ismailia and Sharkia Governorates (three villages in three districts per governorate).
A pretested questionnaire was used in collecting data in January and February 1997 .
Simple Correlation Coefficient, Multiple Correlation and Regression Analysis (Step-Wise), Means, Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variance were used to analyze data statistically, in addition to frequencies and percentage.
The main results of the study revealed that :
l - The Knowledge Level of respondent Mango farmers was low regarding : pest control and weed control, while it was moderate regarding : irrigation. harvesting and marketing, pruning and fertilization.
2-From Multiple Correlation and Regression Analysis, three independent variables affected significantly the Knowledge Level of respondent (44.6% which were : degree of exposuring to agricultural information sources, size of Mango cultivated area, and degree of respondent education. Extensionists should take these variables in count during dissemination of recommended partices among Mango farmers.
3-Among fourteen constraints facing Mango producing and marketing, there were seven constraints facing 50% of respondents or more, these constrains were : high wages of agricultural labour, low prices of Mango crop, high prices of agricultural pesticides, lack of skilled agricultural labour, high prices of chemical fertilizes, low yielding, and the large number of pests affecting Mango trees.
Five recommendations from these results were derived.
Publication year 1997
Pages 21
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library Agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 228
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Giza
Publisher Name: Agricultural Research Centre – Egypt
serial title Bulletin of Agricultural Extension and Rural development Research Institute
Department Extension Programs Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    د. أحمد حبش محمد كلية الزراعة - جامعة قناة السويس
Agris Categories Extension
Proposed Agrovoc extension needs;
Publication Type Journal