A study to measure the effectiveness of some extension programs in Qualubiah governorate

Abstract: No doubt that the rapid and upgrading changes in agricultural knowledge and practices and in modern technological methods demands improving and developing farmers' cognitive and skillful behaviour. On this regard, the agricultural extension is considered as one of the main entrance which we depend on for moderning agriculture and achieving an agricultural development, also keeping up with the current changes. On that concern, the agricultural extension system, through the agricultural extension central administration, states a lot of Agric. Ext. programs in various fields, these programs include recommendations, activities and agricultural extension bulletins to build these programs on the base of farmers' needs and their actual problems.
Measuring the effectiveness of some extension programs is one of the most important studies in the extension work to identify the most efficient extension program, in different stages of adapting ideas, knowledge and modern agricultural methods. Furthermore, the extension studies which measure the effectiveness of extension programs are limited or rare, and the majority of them are based on educational and economic impacts or on identifying the extension stages and steps which are followed in their building and identifying the degree of farmers' participation in the stages and steps of their building. Therefare, the present study was conducted to measure the effectiveness of the extension progrom.
Publication year 2005
Pages 365
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library Agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 598
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Extension Organization and Training Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Proposed Agrovoc extension programs;extension programs;
Publication Type PhD Thesis