Evaluation study of agricultural extension service in new rural settlement in North Sinai

Abstract: Objectives:
Aims of the current Research
1. identification of the activity level of the extension services introduced to the studied farmers in the new rural societies in north Sinai .
2. determination of the share from studied independent variables in affecting the knowledge level of the studied farmers concerning the technical recommendation related to studied agriculture sectors in that new rural societies in north Sinai .
The results indicate that the activity level of the extension service for the studied bunters the plant production sectors was medium concerning the three studied regions, West Areesh , Areesh city and East Areesh , the weighted mean for all these three regions was as follow . 61.7 , 63.28 and 57.53 respectively .
Regarding the animal production it was obvious that the; activity level of the
extension service for the studied limners at the West Areesh and Areesh city was
medium and the weighted mean was 58.16, 63.84% respectively, but the weighted mean was weak at the last Areesh region and was 52.97. Concerning the agriculture marketing, the results indicate that there is weakness in the activity level of the extension service for the farmers in the agriculture marketing at the three studied regions, West Areesh, Areesh and East Areesh with weighted means of 53.9, 51.98 and 52.97 regarding the development of the rural woman it was obvious that there were reduction in the activity level of the extension service in the development program of the rural woman at the West Areesh and Areesh city . with a weighted mean leached to 49.65 and 55.37 respectively , in the same time this degree has a medium mean at the last Areesh region , this mean was 56.16 for this service . !regarding the environmental sector, the activity level of this extension service for Atcesh and Fast Areesh with a weighted mean of 63.84 and 56.3, but it was weak for West Aresh the weighted mean reached 55.32. search places.
identify the knowledge level of the studied farmers concerning the technical recommendations related to studied agricultural sectors in the new rural societies in north Sinai governorate.
Regarding the production sector, it was obvious that only one technical recommendation has high knowledge level this is: the technical recommendation of the training on the use of the fertilizers in a save way during fertilizing the agriculture crops with a percentage of 81% and another one with a knowledge level of'47%, this technical recommendation was related to the use of drop irrigation in a good way and the rest of the technical recommendation have a medium knowledge level at West of Areesh city.
Concerning the Areesh region it was obvious that there were two technical recommendations with a medium knowledge level: one related to the right way of using the pesticides to protect crop diseases and the otter one related to the important of the analysis of the agriculture soil to determine the kind of the crops suitable to this soil , with 61 % and 59.5 respectively regarding Fast Areesh region it was obvious that there were four technical recommendation have a medium knowledge level these are: the right way of using and applying fertilizers on the agriculture crop with a percentage of 74%.
Publication year 2006
Pages 1-207
Availability location Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Institute Library Agricultural Research Center – 8, Cairo University St., - Egypt
Availability number 624
Organization Name
Country Egypt
Department Extension Organization and Training Research Department
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Extension activities.
Publication Type PhD Thesis