The knowledge level of Citrus Farmers for the Integrated Pest Management Technical Recommendations of the Fruit Fly in Qualyoubia Governorate

Abstract: This study aims at determining the knowledge of citrus farmers regarding integrated pest management (IPM) recommendations for fruit fly, identifying the relationship between the overall knowledge level of respondent citrus farmers and some independent variables, identifying the constraints facing them regarding the integrated pest management of fruit fly and their recommendation to over come them.

The research was carried out in Karkashanda and Shoubra Haries villages, Tokh district, and Asnied and Tasnaa, kafr Shokr district in Qualyoubia Governorate. A total sample amounting to 350, representing 8.37% was selected randomly among the citrus farmers from the selected villages. Data were collected by a pre-tested personal interview questionnaire during October and November, 2006. For data analysis, chi square, yaltes correction coefficient, mean, in addition to frequencies and percentages

The research results can be summarized as follows: The knowledge Level of the citrus farmers regarding the IPM recommended practices for fruit fly was high and it was
medium for the symptoms of infection with the fruit fly, time of infection, and the agricultural control, while it was low for the hazard of spraying, chemical control, mechanical control, legislative control, natural control and biological control. There was a significant relationship between the total knowledge level of respondent citrus farmer and the level of the of education, the total farm holding, experience of crops cultivation, the degree of mass media exposure, number of information sources at 0.01 level, and the degree of leadership at 0.05 level, while, there was no relationship for the rest of the variables that are age, the crop cultivated area and the average of feddan.

It was found that there 11 problems, from the farmers point of views. They are arranged descendingly as follows: inefficiency of the pesticides used, the farmers do not applying the spraying collectively, the irregularity of monitoring from the part of the extensionsts and the specialists, lack of control over the importation and pesticides, throwing the infected and dropped fruits in the irrigation and drainage canals, lack of conducting extension meetings and seminars in the area of IPM for the fruits fly, spreading the hosts of the insect over the year, lack of monitoring of the concerned institution to determine the progress of the infection with the fruits fly, the difficulties of the spraying in the intensive growing orchards, the monopolization of production inputs traders, shortage of extension magazines and pamphlets regarding IPM of the fruits fly.

As for the proposed solutions, from the farmers point of views, the committement towards the collective spraying in specific times, conducting the extension meeting and seminars in the area of IPM for the fruits fly, coordination between the concerned institutions working in the area of IPM of the fruits fly, secure the control over the marketing outlets of the pesticides, making the trained labour available, making all inputs available, producing the tolerant citrus varieties, making the extension publication available. Raise

the farmers' awareness towards collecting the infected and the dropped fruits and keeping them in sacs and then baring them under the soil.
In the light of these results the research recommended that the extension efforts should be intensified in order to achieve the educational extension objectives that will led to the improvement of the knowledge and skills of the citrus farmers to produce safety agricultural products and to maintain the environment from pollution. Accordingly, the production will be increased and maintain the general health in addition to achieve high economic income.
Publication year 2006
Pages 303-326
Availability location معهد بحوث الارشاد الزراعي والتنمية الريفية- 9 ش الجامعه الجيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
City Giza
serial title Journal of Scientific society of agricultural extension
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Integrated pest management.
Proposed Agrovoc citrus crop;knowledge level;
Publication Type Journal