Effect of educational messages carried on video – tape on knowledge & behavior of children regarding milk & dairy products

Abstract: The current study aimed mainly to define the impact of the educational messages included in a video film regarding milk and dairy production nutrition. That video film was produced in the context of dairy directive programme campaign activities. The study was conducted in two districts; the first in Fayoum and the second in Assiut, as they are within the governorates in which the activities of Dairy Directive Program are being executed.

50 children were selected from kinder gardens of each governorate from two villages from two different administrative districts with the aim of achieving a sort of differentiation in their social environmental conditions Depending on drawing picture with certain treatments an illustrated questionnaire was developed and tested for respondent children in which simplicity and easiness were considered, to define children perception regarding the benefit of drinking milk and its products, to consider different health features in addition to some illness symptoms that goes with undrinked milks and its products. Also to accurately define the changes that occur in knowledge and nutrition behavior for respondent child pre and post knowledge and behavior test was implemented. After a week of watching the film all mothers of respondent children were met. Also 30 persons representing a selected group of roles, facilitators and teachers working in educational department in Upper Egypt governorates were exposed to the test film.

These respondents were exposed to the video film with 15 respondent children. After that their opinion regarding the experimental technical aspects and educational treatment was identified through the tested and developed questionnaire.

The main results can be summarized as follows:
• 25% out of the total respondent children do not drink milk and 12% of them do not eat dairy products before watching the film according to their mothers' claims.

• Also the results clarified that 85% of children changed their behaviors regarding whipping milk and dairy products according to their mothers' follow up to their children nutrition behavior after watching the film. The change included raise in average of child whipping milk and eating dairy products.

• As for the film technical aspects, quality techniques, educational treatments, reliable accurate and quality control, a scale for technical quality assurance was used for guiding from facilitators and teachers point of view which showed that film is valid for the purpose for which it was developed according to their responds . The value for the standard quality tested items varied from 86.7% to 100%.
Publication year 2006
Pages 157-193
Availability location Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institutes library,معهد بحوث الارشاد الزراعي والتنمية الريفية-ش الجامعة -مركز البحوث الزراعية
Availability number
Organization Name
City Giza
serial title Journal of Scientific Society of Agricultural Extension
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Children. Education. Egypt. Extension activities. Milk products. Tapes.
Publication Type Journal