Evaluation of the "Effective Training Ingredients Program" for Researchers in Some Egyptian Agricultural Research Stations

Abstract: The main objectives of this research were to : determine the participant's perception score to the "Effective Training Ingredients Program" design quality for agricultural researchers in some Egyptian research stations; determine the participants' utility score for training and their suggestions for promoting that training program in the future. The research was conducted by using a total population (74) of researchers who attended the pervious training program in four Egyptian research stations which were Taj El-Ezz (Dukahlia Governorate); Ismailia (Ismailia Governorate); Sids (Ben-Suef Governorate) and Nubaria (Nubaria zone), during the time period from 19/11/2005 to 5/2/2006 The research data were collected during the same perviously mentioned period. Two written questionnaires with personal interviews and discussion group were used to collecting the research data. Pretest-posttest approach was used for determining the respondents' knowledge. Frequency, percentage and means were used to analyze the obtained research data. The research findings indicated the following : (1)
the researchers' perception was (88%) that had high total percentage for training design quality in all chosen Agricultural research stations. This indicated that the program was appropriate for their job requirements; (2) the total percentage was (20%) had low trainees' utility level. This indicated that there's still researchers' knowledge gab in relation to forms future training need in some program topics (Scientific content); and (3) the research revealed twenty three suggestions to promote that training program in the future from researchers point of view.
Publication year 2006
Pages 248-279
Availability location Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institutes library
Availability number
Organization Name
City Giza
serial title Journal of Scientific Society of Agricultural Extension
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal