Performance of Agricultural Extension Agents to Create Rural Residents Awareness of Poultry Avian Influenza Disease in Kafr El- Sheikh and Gharbia Govemorates

Abstract: This research aimed mainly at determining performance level of Agricultural Extension Agents in creating awareness of poultry avian influenza disease in Kafr EL- Sheikh and Gharbia Govemorates .through determining their knowledge level of disease, knowledge sources of it, performance level of the extension activities for awareness of the disease, performance level of the extension tasks for awareness of the disease, determining the significant difference between two studied governorates concerning the following: knowledge degree of the disease, performance degree of doing activities and task extension for awareness of disease, also to identify their suggestion to prevent the disease of diffusion. Data were collected during September - October 2007 by personal interviews using questionnaire from a random sample amounting to 312 respondents representing about 25%of the total number of agricultural extension workers in fife chosen districts from Kafr EL- Sheikh i.e.; Sedy-Salem, Biala, foua, El- Reyiad and Kalleen. In addition to four districts were chosen from Gharbia governorate i.e.; Bassion, EL-Santa, samanoud and Kotoor. Frequencies, percentages, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and " T" test were used for analyzing data statistically. The main findings could be summarized as the following: (1) 56.4% from respondents is high level of knowledge with poultry avian influenza disease, 43.6% from them their knowledge level between the medium and low level; (2) Television came in the first rank from the knowledge sources from the respondents about the disease, the agriculture department came second ,news paper came third, the extension prenter and courses training are the last sources; (3) 44.2% of respondents don't make any awareness extension activities of poultry avian disease; (4) 55.8% of respondents their performance level for extension activities to
awareness by poultry avian influenza disease was don't requirement level because the high performance extension panel and meeting (14.9%), home visits (12.1%), farm visits (10.9%), discind circle(7.5%),office visits (5.7%), telephone contacts (5.7), putting posters in work places (4%), watching and listening club (1.7%) and the last cheeps and films (1.7%) from the respondents whom doing extension activities; (5) 46.6%of respondents whom doing performance extension tasks for awareness of poultry avian influenza disease there performance level was high, but 53.4% of their performance level was between medium and low level; (6) there arc a significant differences at level 0.01 between the respondents in the two studied govemorates in both of the ollowing: knowledge degrees, performance degrees of the extension activities and performance degrees of the extension tasks for awareness of poultry avian disease and (7) the important suggestions of respondents to limit spread of the disease were: expanding meetings and symposiums as a way to create awareness among rural citizens concerning the disease (45.5%); creating awareness among rural women concerning poultry husbandry proper procedures (35.9%); and providing enough necessary vaccines needed for poultry in a way that makes there available for rural residents (33.9%); and providing extension publications related to the disease (24.4%)
Publication year 2007
Pages 205-238
Availability location Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institutes library
Availability number
Organization Name
City Giza
serial title Journal of Scientific Society of Agricultural Extension
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Performance testing.
Publication Type Journal