Achievement Motivation of Agricultural Extension Agents in Ismailia Governorate

Abstract: As Achievement Notivation has agreat effect on the agricultural extension agents' performance, we must ensure that it is high as possible. Therefore it must be studied to determine its level and the variables affecting it. The study aims at determining the agricultural extension agents' degrees of achievement motivation, clarifying the relationship between the achievement motivation degrees and some independent variables including: age, rural/urban background, residence, academic degree, graduation seniority, duration of service in agricultural work, duration of service in agricultural extension work, previous training, attitudes toward agricultural extension, relations with peers, supervisors, and farmers, degree of the agents' belonging to extension organization, degree of agents' search for training and development, degree of the availability of training courses, degree of work pride, degree of work's triggering the agents potential, degree of enjoying work, degree of the agents' credibility, degree of agents' innovativeness, degree of working towards benefitting farmers. The study was conducted in ismailia Governorate A random sample of 120 persons was chosen out of 155 agricultural extension agents working in the districts of Fayed, Elkassasin, AbouSwear, Eltal El kebir, Elkantara Shark, ElKantara Garb, Ismailia.The sample size was determined using the formula mentioned by Keijcie & Morgan(1978). For data collection a specially meetings.Frequencies, Averages, percentages, Chi Square test and simple correlation : were used in analyzing data stastistically The results indicated that 30.8% of the respondents had high achievement motivation degrees, 50% of them had moderate degrees, and 19.2% of the respondents had low degrees. Using Chi square test and simple correlation several relationships were indicated between the training needs degrees and independent variables studied as follows: A relationship at 0.01 significance level was indicated between achievement motivation degrees and attitudes toward agricultural extension, rural/urban background, residence, relations with peers, supervisors, and farmers, degree of the agents' belonging to extension organization, degree of agents' search for training and development. Moreover, a relationship at 0.05 significance level was indicated between Achievement motivation degrees and each of the following: degree of the availability of training courses, degree of work pride, degree of triggering the agents potential, degree of the agents' credibility, degree of agents' innovativeness.
Publication year 2007
Pages 233-254
Availability location Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Research Institutes library
Availability number
Organization Name
City Giza
serial title Journal of Scientific Society of Agricultural Extension
Web Page
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Journal