The Effect of The Extension Meeting on The Knowledge of Sheep Farmers in Areas of Breeding and Sheep Husbandry in Some Villages of Boorg El Arab District, Alexandria Governorate

Abstract: The study aimed at recognizing some characteristics of sheep formers, determining percentages changes of sheep formers who' know the correct recommendations to attending meetings, determining the difference between each of knowledge degrees means among before and after attending meetings and determining , the relationships between the acquired degree of knowledge change with some variables to define the determines variables of the knowledge change as dependant variables.
Data were collected by A designed questioner through interviews before and after attending 10 of experimental meetings. The research respondents were A random sample formed from 100 cheeps formers equal to 15% from their population in the three studied villages at boorg El- Arab district. Averages, Z test, simple correlation coefficient, chi and the multiple corr. And regression with the step wise technique were used for analyzing data. Main results were as follows: 1- Averages of changed degrees about knowledge dealing with breeding, nutrition and husbandry had been increased to
reach 53.2, 45, and 44.1 percentage in order.
2-The difference between each of means of the knowledge score after and the knowledge score before was significant at level of 0.0l The level of increase in percentages of respondent who gained the correct knowledge was high dealing with ten recommendations, and was a moderate level for another ten ecommendations, the rest of recommendations l0 had a low level of increase.
3-The most important variables related positively with the knowledge changed degrees were: attitudes toward sheep production, satisfaction from sheep production, exposure to the extension activities and contact with professional
leaders. Those variable collectively explained about 69 percentage from knowledge change.
Also results revealed that the main problems faced sheep formers were high prices of nutration materials, high prices of veterinary medicine, and high mortality at birth
Publication year 2007
Pages 1-24
Availability location معهد بحوث الارشاد الزراعي والتنمية الريفية
Availability number
Organization Name
City El-sharkia
serial title Research Journal of Environment and Society Service
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    Dr : Mohamed. E. Mohamed
    Dr. Zinab. Ali Abdo
Agris Categories Extension
Proposed Agrovoc extension methods;
Publication Type Journal