The Knowledge Sources Of Farmer Opinion Leaders In Cotton, Wheat And Maize Crops In Egypt

Abstract: The main objective of this study is to determine the relative importance of farmer opinion leaders knowledge sources in cotton, wheat and maize crops; to identify the agricultural issues that were known by those leaders; to define the variables effect on leaders exposure degree to agricultural knowledge sources and recognize the hindrances that meet leaders to get agricultural knowledge.
This research was conducted in six villages in Monfia and Sohag governorates. The studied leaders in this research were chosen before, through previous study that was conducted by agr. Exten. And rural development research institute to identify.
The total number of studied leaders in this study was 205 as flows: 64 in cotton, 71 in wheat and 70 in maize. Data were collected by using questionnaire through personal interview during 2003. Frequencies, percentage, weighted mean, simple correlation coefficient, variance analysis test were used to analyze data.
The most important results could be summarized as follows:
- Agricultural extension agents, agricultural TV programs, near relataves agricultural co – operative director were important sources for leaders to get agricultural knowledge.
- The important agricultural knowledge that gotten by leaders were as follows:
1- In cotton crop: improved harvests controlling for the greasy (black) cut worm, aphis, thrips, cotton leaf worm, american, pink and sping boll-worm fertilization on right timing.
2- In wheat crop: high yielding varieties, appropriate planting methods, planting by using grains drill, controlling weed and wild Oats.
3- In maize crop: maize varieties, right seeds amount for planting irrigation on right timing, controlling plant diseases.
- It was found positive significant relation between the degree of simplifying agricultural ideas for farmers and degree of maize farmers opinion leaders exposure to knowledge sources.
- There are three important barriers meet farmers opinion leaders in the three crops in getting agricultural knowledge through different sources as hindrances: agricultural magazines; training lack for farmer opinion leaders on technical practices on the mentioned crops. Lack of audio – visual aids, posters, samples, that help leaders to understand concerned practices.

Publication year 2005
Availability location معهد الارشاد الزراعى والتنمية الريفية
Availability number
Organization Name
Author(s) from ARC
Agris Categories Extension
Publication Type Researsh & Applied Activities