Effect of applicator-types on fungicide efficiency and environmental pollution.

Abstract: The effect of different fungicide applicator types, i. e. high volume (HV), low volume (LV) and ultra low volume (ULV) on the efficacy of five fungicides (Ridomil plus, Cupper Oxichloride , Ferro Z, Kocide 101 and Pervicur N) used to control downy mildew disease caused by Psendoperonospora cubensis on cucumber. The different rates of application (4 application rates 400,200,100 and 50 L/fed) were applied. In addition, some technical aspects, which play an important role in the environmental pollution, were estimated.
All the tested fungicides showed significant disease control. Ridomil puls and Previcur N showed the highest efficacy in the two successive years. When the HV applicator was used, decreasing the amount of the fungicide suspension from 400 to 50 L/fed resulted in drastically decreasing in the fungicide efficacy. The ULV applicator showed the highest fungicide efficacy compared with the other applicators. Applying the fungicide using ULV applicator at the rate of 100L/fed, showed more efficacy than that obtained by applying 400L/fed using HV applicator.
Technical field tests indicated that the ULV applicator produced very small droplets (204 droplets per cm2 of 56.66μm in diameter). The LV applicator produced small spray droplets (163 droplets per cm2 of 146μm in diameter), while the HV applicator produced relatively large spray droplets (98 droplets per cm2 of 198μm in diameter).
The fungicide distribution curve in case of ULV applicator was sharp, in contrast to the HV applicator, which produced very wide curve. Thus, applying ULV applicator with rate of 100L/fed saved about 75% from recommended dose by using traditional applicator method; in turn, reduced the environmental pollution as well as decreasing the production costs.
Publication year 2003
Pages 735 -746
Availability location معهد بحوث الهندسة الزراعية,شارع نادى الصيد - الدقى - جيزة
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title المؤتمر الحادي عاشر للجمعية المصرية للهندسة الزراعية
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد سيد حسنين مصطفي
    عبد الوهاب عنتر إسماعيل
Agris Categories Agricultural engineering
Publication Type Conference/Workshop